
  • 网络hoth;Howth;Fox;FORESEE
  1. 尤其是你做了蠢事,譬如等到近得足以令冰雪星球霍斯上的叛军觉察,才跳出超空间。

    Especially if you did something really dumb , like jump out of hyperspace close enough to be detected from the ice planet Hoth .

  2. 维德派遣了数以千计的侦察机器人到银河系中进行地毯式调查,终于找到了冰雪行星霍斯上的反抗军新基地。

    Through the use of thousands of probe droids dispatched to comb the galaxy , Vader eventually located the new Rebel base on the ice planet Hoth .

  3. 渡船搅起豪湾的海水,从兰代尔驶向霍斯舒湾。

    Ferries churn the waters of Howe Sound from Langdale to Horseshoe Bay .

  4. 他觉得霍斯小姐根本不知道自己会惹来什么麻烦。

    He got the impression that Miss Hawes had no idea of what she was letting herself in for

  5. 你或许会对这个消息感兴趣,有个和罗里描述的一模一样的小男孩搭便车到了霍斯。

    It may interest you to know that a boy answering Rory 's description thumbed a ride to Howth

  6. 生活在今天,我们特别感激麦卡德尔、卡欣、霍斯、威尔金斯和马克斯韦尔以及其他将美国时尚从巴黎设计的界限中解放出来的女性。

    We live today indebted to McCardell , Cashin , Hawes , Wilkins , and Maxwell , and other women who liberated American fashion from the confines of Parisian design .

  7. 拉霍斯·佛斯林汉姆变得怒不可遏,仿佛就要在我面前气炸了似的。其他两个人也气坏了,看起来,他们的怒火比壁炉里的火还要旺许多!

    Rhodes-Fotheringham was in such an intolerable rage that I thought he would explode before my eyes , and the other two were not far behind in their ire . Each of them was blazing more intensely than the fire was !

  8. “用颜色来描绘你的梦中情感是大脑的一种工作方式。”霍斯如此说,他已将他的研究结果发表在“梦语言”(DreamLanguage)一书中。

    " Using color is your brain 's way of painting your dreams with your emotion ," says Hoss , who just published his results in Dream Language ( Innersource , 2005 ) .

  9. 据报道,摄影师马丁·厄斯本从一个名叫GetStuffed的动物商店雇佣了这只狐狸,然后带着它在霍斯顿市到处乱逛,并拍下了许多以假乱真的照片。

    Photographer Martin Usborne hired the prop , reportedly from a taxidermy shop called Get Stuffed , and took it around Hoxton for a series of surrealist shots .

  10. 由伦佐·皮亚诺(RenzoPiano)设计的斯塔夫罗斯-尼亚尔霍斯基金会文化中心(StavrosNiarchosFoundationCulturalCenter)也计划于2015年完工。

    the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center , designed by Renzo Piano , is scheduled for completion in 2015 .

  11. GraduateRecruitmentBureau联合创始人丹•霍斯(DanHawes)说,你应该扩大视野,不光是考虑参加一些培训课程,可以“加入一些专业机构、参加行业活动并参与社交活动”。

    Dan Hawes , co-founder of the Graduate Recruitment Bureau , says you should look beyond just going on training courses : " Join professional bodies , attend industry events and go on social outings . "

  12. 开放式办公室内的噪音类干扰是专注的头敌。Gensler建筑公司的联合总裁戴安-霍斯金斯对《纽约时报》说道,宝贵的时间会因此而被浪费。

    Noise-related distractions in open offices are the enemy of focus , Diane Hoskins , co-chief executive of the Gensler architecture firm , told the New York Times , adding , Its meaningful time thats being lost .

  13. 他5岁的时候,喜出望外地试戴了自己的第一个假肢:霍斯莫(Hosmer)手臂模型。它通过皮套穿戴,可以像手一样夹起东西。

    When he turned 5 , he was overjoyed to be fitted for his first prosthetic : a Hosmer model arm that he wore with a holster and that offered a pincher " hand " grip .

  14. 不过我从来没有不尊敬他。别人都叫他霍斯。

    But I never meant any harm . Everybody calls him Hoss .

  15. 1931年,我参加了宾西法尼亚州东南部的霍斯舒宿营。

    I was at Camp Horseshoe in southeastern Pennsylvania in1931 .

  16. 霍斯能成为一个优秀的战士,他决定道。

    Horse had the makings of a good fighter , he decided .

  17. 我所有的钱都由你支配,霍斯麦。

    Every dollar that I have is at your service , hosmer .

  18. 霍斯少校不喜欢下级报喜不报忧。

    Major Hoess accepts no optimistic reports of subordinates .

  19. 喂,我说哈奇&你知道霍斯·威廉斯听见我们讲话吗?

    Say , Hucky & do you reckon Hoss Williams hears us talking ?

  20. 霍斯用一个基于电脑的所谓内容分析方法来解释梦境的颜色。

    Hoss uses a computer-based approach called content analysis to interpret the colors in dreams .

  21. 霍斯默街角附近的水塔

    And there 's a , uh , a water tower at the corner of Hosmer

  22. 医生签字的后,我才不管谁知道霍斯金呢。

    The moment the doctor signs , I don 't care who knows about hoskins .

  23. 当你坐在驰往霍斯[58]的电车的顶层座位上时,曾独自对着雨水喊叫道:一丝不挂的女人!

    On the top of the Howth tram alone crying to the rain : naked women !

  24. 编程和软件开发的硬性技能是我们很看重的,霍斯讲道。

    Hard skills in programming and software development for us are really valuable , says Hawes .

  25. 雇主们总会讲他们会选择态度,然后培养技能,霍斯讲道。

    Employers often say that they hire for attitude and train for skill , says Hawes .

  26. 詹姆略微吃了一点,并且和小派,霍斯分享了一袋酒。

    Jaime ate sparingly and shared a skin of wine with Peck and Hos the hostage .

  27. 我和霍斯金姨夫撕扯着。

    Uncle Hoskins and I tussled .

  28. 这是魔幻的大航海时代,而这个时代注定只属于&霍斯。

    This is the magic of great sailing ships era , an era destined to only belongs-Hawes .

  29. 《卡特&托里霍斯巴拿马运河协议》由美国和巴拿马两国总统分别签署。

    The Carter-Torrijos Panama Canal Treaty was signed by the respective presidents of the United States and Panama .

  30. “名字真俗。”一个家伙嘲笑道,我后来知道他的名字是拉霍斯.佛斯林汉姆。

    " A common name ," sneered the fellow , whose own name I knew to be Rhodes-Fotheringham .