
  • 网络Dawn;Down;Dwayne;Daun
  1. 不久,道恩在伯恩斯高中找到了一份工作。

    Soon , Dawn had a job at Burns High School .

  2. 甚至在道恩的家人离开她之前,她就过着艰难的生活。

    Even before Dawn 's family left her , she led a difficult life .

  3. 道恩现在已经重新联系上了家人。

    Dawn has now reconnected with her family .

  4. 道恩的努力得到了回报。

    Dawn 's hard work paid off .

  5. 道恩“借着烛光读书”,因为父母交不起电费。

    Dawn " studied by candlelight " because her parents couldn 't afford to pay the electricity bill .

  6. 校车司机了解了道恩的情况,并邀请她和家人一起搬来住。

    The school bus driver learned about Dawn 's situation and invited Dawn to move in with her family .

  7. 一天,道恩走在一条乡间小路上,看见一个小女孩在打碎石头。

    One day , while walking down a country road , Doyne saw a little girl breaking up rocks .

  8. 颜色非常抢眼,因此你需要一种低调的现代装束,AustinReed男士正装采购员道恩•戈尔茨坦(DawnGoldstein)表示,这意味着翻领变小,剪裁更为讲究。

    It 's a very sharp look , so you need a modern silhouette which is understated , says Dawn Goldstein , men 's formalwear buyer at Austin Reed . This means slimmer lapels and a more tailored jacket .

  9. 而妹妹道恩出生时却没有这么幸运。

    My twin sister , Dawn , was not born so lucky .

  10. 亨特。哈格道恩不习惯等人。

    Hunter Hagedorn was not used to waiting .

  11. 道恩岛的竖琴从不走调。

    The harps of TaON play true .

  12. 企业物流运作模式的选择&以山东道恩集团为例

    Revelation on the Modes of Enterprise Logistics & Taking Dao En Group of Shan Dong as an Example

  13. 道恩集团营销中心,培养和组建了一支诚实可靠、乐观自信、勇于开拓、团结协作,具有责任感、使命感和成就感的员工队伍;

    Dawn Group marketing system has scientifically planned sales team with rich experience in petrochemical products covering all over the country .

  14. 我们无意间就将话题转到了道恩身上&他们搬家浪费了这么长时间但她现在仍然不紧不慢。

    We inadvertently got on the subject of Dawn , who was not so thrilled about the time they had lost for moving .

  15. 他的家是一栋拥有100个房间的四层大房子,坐落在印度米佐拉姆邦巴克道恩村的小山中。

    Home is a 100-room , four-storey house set in the hills of the village of Baktawng in the Indian state of Mizoram .

  16. 播音员道恩.普拉多去世,他因《周六夜现场》这一栏目,成为大受欢迎的男中音,享年96岁。

    And announcer Don Pardo , whose booming baritone was known to fans as Saturday Night Live , has died . He was 96 .

  17. “吃早餐的人比不吃早餐的人更瘦,不吃早餐的人后来会吃得太多。”注册营养师道恩•杰克逊•布拉特纳说。

    " Breakfast eaters tend to be thinner than breakfast skippers , who are more likely to overindulge later ," says registered dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner .

  18. 能帮他实现这个愿望的是一个叫侏儒怪(沃尔特•道恩配音)的巫师,他对怪物史莱克早就怀恨在心。

    The fellow who can fix that is Rumpelstiltskin ( Walt Dohrn ), a lawyerly wizard with a contract and a long-held grudge against the ogre .

  19. 随着化工塑料产业的发展壮大,道恩集团的物流、建筑建材、旅游服务等产业也得到突飞猛进的发展。

    With the company chemical plastic industry business grow stronger and stronger , Dawn group 's logistics , construction material and tourism business get extraordinary development at the same time .

  20. 我也很愉快,噢,我不能,不行的,道恩,但我答应我这个周末可以跟你在一起。

    I had a great time too . oh , I can 't , I can 't , dwayne , but I promise I 'll make it up to you this weekend .

  21. 不过我非常了解道恩,我知道她的心情会非常烦乱,特别是在那兄弟俩整个下午都在笑话她、拿她的“懒屁股”找乐儿之后。

    However , I know Dawn well enough to know she would be pretty upset , especially after both of our husbands spent the afternoon laughing at her and making cracks about her lazy butt .

  22. 来自加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省阿博茨福德的马克今年60岁了,他与49岁的妻子道恩一起训练北极熊这种世界上体积最庞大的陆地捕食动物成为高额收入的电视广告的主角。

    Mark , 60 , and wife Dawn , 49 , from Abbotsford , British Columbia ( BC ), Canada , train the polar bear-the world 's largest land predator-to star in high-budget TV adverts .

  23. 艾莉小姐7岁时被主人道恩戈林收养,她眼睛上方长着浓密的金发,着实让人喜爱。她已帮助田纳西流域保护动物协会组织募到超过10万美元资金。

    Rescued by owner Dawn Goehring when she was seven years old , Miss Ellie , who drew smiles with the shock of blonde hair above her eyes , had helped raise over 100,000 dollars for the Humane Society of the Tennessee Valley .