
  1. 尊我任侠的主体精神与乘道归虚的幻灭感构成龚自珍思想性格的内在矛盾及难以抹去的阴影。

    Deep inside his thoughts , the subjective spirit of chivalry and the sense of-disillusion with Daoist nihility had resulted in the contradiction in his ideological characteristics .

  2. 看看我们周遭的世界,再看看我们的内心,就知道六道是真实不虚的。

    Looking at the world around us , and into our own minds , we can see that the six realms definitely do exist .

  3. 作为文化精神核心的教化理念或教化之道,有“虚”与“实”两个特点。

    The idea of preaching or the way of preaching , as the core of cultural spirit , has two features of " abstract " and " substantial " .