
  • 网络Static Website
  1. XM是用于发布使用XML和XSLT的静态网站的低成本解决方案。

    XM is a low-cost solution for publishing static Web sites with XML and XSLT .

  2. 该插件自动创建一个静态网站(例如一些HTML页面),这些页面可上载到任何服务器。

    The plug-in automatically creates a static Web site ( such as a bunch of HTML pages ) that are ready to upload to any server .

  3. 通过静态网站、ISAPI动态页面和ActiveX客户端控件的三种浏览方式,实现了信息在网络中的发布功能。

    The information is released in the network by the browsing methods of static web , ISAPI dynamic page and ActiveX controls .

  4. 尽管如此,大多数人在探索新问题时第一站是去Wikipedia,因此静态网站显然有真正的价值。

    Most people still go to Wikipedia as their first stop to explore a new topic , though , so there 's clearly real value in static sites .

  5. 但是,静态网站的时代已经早就过去了,因为在大多数网站中用户的参与已经变得不可缺少。

    But the days for static web sites are long gone as user participation has become integral in most sites .

  6. 因此,该电子商务系统实际上是一个包含网站前台建设,后台内部管理,客户关系管理,订单管理的复杂项目,它决非一个简单的企业宣传式的静态网站。

    So the electronic business system includes the web site and back platform order management , customer management and promotion management .

  7. 初始访问后,就可以和常规静态网站一样的速度从缓存中提供这些页面了。

    After initial access , these pages are served from those caches at the same speed as conventional static Web sites .

  8. 门户的此区域的行为和静态网站的行为相似,但却向员工提供与他们的协作应用程序集成的单一环境。

    This area of the portal behaves like a static Web site , but provides employees with a single working environment integrated with their collaboration applications .

  9. 数字神经解剖学数据库由数字神经解剖学、脑断层解剖学、脑血管应用解剖学、不同实验动物脑图谱、神经解剖及定位诊断等五个数据集组成。通过神经解剖学静态网站与数据库镜像链接的办法实现其数据资源共享;

    The database is composed of digital Neuroanatomy , digital cranial section Anatomy , digital applied cerebrovascular Anatomy , digital brain atlas about experiment animals , digital Neuroanatomy and orientational diagnosis .

  10. 在提供静态文件的Web网站,假定Web空间中的每个文件和目录都计划用于公共消耗。

    In a Web site that serves static files , it 's assumed that every file and directory in the Web space is intended for public consumption .

  11. 但是许多网站仍是静态运行形式,网站只能通过网页给学习者提供教学材料和相关材料。

    However , most of these websites still run in a stable form , only providing teaching materials and other related sources through web pages .