
jìng tài shì yàn
  • static test
  1. 静态试验研究表明,采用Mc尼龙人工合成新材料可以防止冲灰水的结垢现象。

    Scale can be presented by adopting the Mc synthetic material from the static test .

  2. 介绍了空气弹簧的试验方法和试验装置,采用ANSYS对空气弹簧的静态试验进行模拟分析。

    A method for testing an air-spring and tester were introduced . Then ANSYS was utilized to simulate the static test .

  3. 公路LED可变信息标志光度指标静态试验研究

    Static Experimental Research on Photometric Performance of Light-emitting Diode Dynamic Message Signs of Expressway

  4. 静态试验机中应用AD卡的软件设计

    Software Designing of AD card for Application in Static Testing Machines

  5. 静态试验中,围隔水质监测结果表明:本次试验所选的水生植物能有效地提高水体中的溶解氧含量,降解和去除水体中的N、P等营养盐类和有机污染物。

    It could be seen from the results that the aquatic macrophytes selected in this test improved the concentration of DO in water , decomposed contaminations effectively .

  6. 海绵铁处理洗浴废水中LAS的静态试验研究

    Static Experiments on Treatment of LAS in Bathing Wastewater by Using Sponge Iron

  7. 在填有金属鲍尔环的鼓泡反应器中,研究了吸收剂对模拟烟气中的SO2和NOx在静态试验条件下的脱除效果。

    The experiment had investigated the removal effect of SO_2 and NO_X in bubbling reactor filled with steel Ball rings under static state experiment condition .

  8. MD膜驱剂的粘土稳定性研究Ⅰ.静态试验

    Studies on the clay stabilization of molecular deposition filming flooding agent ⅰ . stationary experiments

  9. 利用静态试验研究了pH和腐殖酸对高铁酸盐预处理去除铅、镉的影响。

    A static test was conducted to evaluate the effect of pH and humic acid on removal of trace lead and cadmium from the water by ferrate pretreatment .

  10. APDL实现空气弹簧静态试验仿真

    Simulation of Static Test of Air-spring by APDL

  11. 通过静态试验研究了7种树脂对表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG)和表儿茶素没食子酸酯(ECG)的吸附和解吸性能。

    According to the captive test , the adsorption and desorption performances of seven kinds of resins adsorbent to EGCG and ECG were studied .

  12. 第二代PFBC-CC脱硫静态试验基础研究

    Basic study on static experiment of second generation PFBC-CC desulfurization

  13. 以非离子型单体B和阳离子单体DAC合成了PCM阳离子聚合物粘土稳定剂,进行了粘土抑制性静态试验和岩芯流动试验。

    The PCM cationic polymer clay stabilizer was synthesized by reaction of non-ionic monomer B and cationic monomer DAC . The static inhibiting ability test and dynamic core test were taked .

  14. 本文采用静态试验方法,分别对黄河口海域、渤海湾北部海域及大连开发区近岸海域三个不同海域的海底表层沉积物样品,进行了重金属Cu、Pb的释放实验。

    Batch tests were used to illustrate the releasing ability on two kinds of heavy metals Cu 、 Pb in three areas sediments , the Huanghe Estuary 、 North of Bohai Bay and Economic Development Zone of Dalian .

  15. 本文用一套采用伪距相对差分GPS系统对其定位精度和实时性进行了试验研究,静态试验表明其单点相对定位精度达到1m(1σ);

    This paper presents the experiment research on the positioning precision and real time behavior for a developed pseudorange differential positioning system . By static tests , the precision of rover station arrives to lm ( 1 σ) .

  16. 利用自制的普通微电解静态试验装置,以废铁屑与焦炭用量比,调溶液酸、碱pH值和反应时间4个因素设计进行了一组静态试验。

    By self-made static testing device of common micro-electrolysis , a group of static experiments were designed and fulfilled based on the four factors : volume ratio of iron slag and coke , optimum pH value setting under the acid and alkaline conditions , and optimum reaction period .

  17. 用静态试验和BET(Brunauer、Emmett和Teller)氮气吸附法测定材料吸附条件、吸附容量、比表面积和孔隙率。

    Use the ways of captive tests and BET ( Brunauer , Emmett and Teller ) nitrogen adsorption to mensurate the adsorption conditions , adsorption capacity , surface area and the porosity .

  18. 采用连续流和静态试验进行了模拟淀粉废水厌氧发酵法生物制氢,探讨了有机负荷(OLR)和pH值对产氢能力和液相末端产物的影响。

    The experiments of anaerobic fermentation hydrogen bio-production ( HBP ) from simulated starch wastewater were conducted in continuous and batch reactor . Effects of organic loading rate ( OLR ) and pH on hydrogen production capacity and liquid products were investigated .

  19. 低应变率(准静态试验)是在CSS-55000系列电子万能试验机上进行,高应变率试验是在分离式Hopkinson拉杆和分离式Hopkinson压杆装置上进行的。

    Tests under lower strain rate are performed using mode CSS-55000 serials electronic controlling testing machine , and the split Hopkinson bar is used for higher strain-rate tests .

  20. 通过静态试验从三种树脂(D101、NKA-9、AB-8)中筛选出适合纯化山核桃蒲壳生物碱的树脂种类,研究结果表明,NKA-9型树脂综合性能最好。

    Three resins ( D101 , NKA-9 , AB-8 ) were screened by static test . The results show that the resin of NKA-9 has the best overall performance .

  21. 文中提出了一种APU动态控制器结构,首先根据闭环系统稳定性和跟踪性能试验测试提出了速度和功率耦合PI控制器,进而基于静态试验设计了APU系统的前馈控制支路。

    Based on the tests on the stability and tracking performance of the closed-loop system , a speed / power coupled PI controller is proposed . A feed-forward control circuit of the APU is designed based on static testing .

  22. 针对同一轮胎(205/55R16)安装不同宽度轮辋(6J,61/2J)进行了静态试验研究,分析比较了不同宽度轮辋对轮胎静力学特性的影响。

    Based on the same tire ( 205 / 55R16 ) fitted with different width Rims ( 6J , 61 / 2J ), research the static tests and analyze the influence of different width rims on the tire static stiffness characteristics .

  23. 烟气能量回收机组自保系统的静态试验

    Static testing of self-insurance system for flue gas energy recovery set

  24. 纯水液压试验系统的静态试验研究

    The Static Experiment Research on A Water Hydraulic Trial System

  25. 试验分为实验室静态试验和现场动态试验两个阶段。

    The experiment has two stages , static experiment and dynamic experiment .

  26. 好氧塘处理乐果农药废水的静态试验研究

    Static experimental study on the treatment of rogor wastewater in aerobic pond

  27. 不同粒径泥沙解吸重金属污染物静态试验研究

    Experimental Research on Heavy Metal Desorption for Sediment with Different Grain Size

  28. 泥沙吸附重金属污染物室内静态试验研究

    Studies on Heavy Metal Pollutant Adsorption by Sediment in the Laboratorial Static Experiments

  29. 抽滤型可燃药筒加主装药的静态试验研究

    Static Experimental Study on Cartridge with Extracted Combustible Case

  30. 拖拉机防护装置强度静态试验台的研究设计

    Research and Design on Static Strength Test System of Protective Devices on Tractor