
jìng diàn jì
  • electrometer
静电计[jìng diàn jì]
  1. 单电子晶体管(SET)作为灵敏静电计的灵敏度受到噪声的限制,其中散粒噪声(shotnoise)是本征噪声,决定着单电子晶体管灵敏度的极限。

    A single-electron transistor ( SET ) can be used as a sensitive electrometer whose sensitivity is limi-ted by noise . Shot noise is the intrinsic noise which determines the limit of sensitivity of the SET .

  2. 采用静电计和多频测试仪测定并计算出Ga3+:KTP晶体c向的电导率,将其与纯KTP晶体者进行比较。

    The conductivity along c axis of Ga ~ ( 3 + ): KTP crystal was measured by electrometer and multifrequency measurer , and compared with that of the pure KTP crystal .

  3. ECT系统传感器电极间电容计算方法动态电容器式静电计

    The Methods of Capacitance Calculation Between the Electrodes of Sensor in ECT System

  4. 静电计欧姆计的电流激励(IR)流过未知电阻(RS),然后测量DUT上的电压(VM)。

    Here , an electrometer ohmmeter is forcing a current ( IR ) through the unknown resistance ( RS ) and then measuring the voltage ( VM ) across the DUT .

  5. 引进可以直接测量比释动能的PTW-UNIDOS高精度静电计全面更新主测量系统,同时实现X射线机、γ刻度装置、辐射场环境条件的综合换代升级。

    The chief measure system , the X-ray set and the gamma calibration device and ambient condition of radiation fields have comprehensively been superseded and upgraded .

  6. 本文介绍了一种多功能、宽量程的新型γ辐射监测系统,它由高压充气电离室、静电计型放大器、电压/电流变换器及STD监控系统组成。

    This paper describes a new type γ radiation monitoring system with wide range and multi function . It consists of high pressure ionization chamber , electrometer type amplifier , voltage current converter and STD bus .

  7. 采用椭圆偏振、俄歇能谱、拉曼光谱、原子力显微镜、皮安静电计等多种结构和光电探测手段研究DLC材料的生长规律、材料结构、光电性质等特性。

    The regular growth , structure , photoelectric and other characteristics were studied by using many structure and photoelectric detection means , such as ellipsometry , Auger spectroscopy , Raman spectroscopy , atomic force microscope , high precision ammeter and so on .

  8. 针对低能X射线电离电流产生的原理和特点,分别建立了基于汤森补偿法(自动、半自动、手动)和Keithley6517高精度静电计、PTWUNIDOS剂量仪的微电流测量系统。

    Towards the principles and characteristics of low-energy X-ray ionization currents , we established three measurement systems based on the Townsend compensation ( automatic , semi-automatic , manual ), and high-precision Keithley 6517 electrometer , PTW UNIDOS dosimeter micro-current measurement system .

  9. 静电计箔叶张角和电势之间关系的近似计算

    Approximate calculation of the relation between static-voltage and spread-angle of static-voltmeter 's foil

  10. 大多数静电计的电荷测量范围可以用外部反馈来扩展。

    The charge measurement range of most electrometers can be extended using external feedback .

  11. 用镭源γ射线标定静电计

    Calibrating electrometer by gamma ray from radium

  12. 欧姆计使用内部的电流源和静电计电压表来进行测量。

    The ohmmeter uses an internal current source and electrometer voltmeter to make the measurement .

  13. 我把静电计摔碎了。

    I 've smashed the electrometer .

  14. 有关测量方法的更详细的信息可以在静电计的操作手册中找到。

    More information on the measurement procedure can be found in the instruction manual of the electrometer .

  15. 使用静电计欧姆计时,测量准确度会受到各种因素的影响。

    When using the electrometer ohmmeter , measurement accuracy can be affected by a variety of factors .

  16. 它配合动电容静电计和数字电压表进行测量,其稳定性好于0.1%。

    Using with a vibrating capacitor electrometer and a digital voltmeter , the stability is better than 0.1 % .

  17. 有些静电计和皮安计具有内置的电压源,能够自动地计算出未知电阻。

    Some electrometers and picoammeters have voltage sources built into the instrument and automatically can calculate the unknown resistance .

  18. 外部反馈模式允许使用外部器件来作静电计的反馈元件。

    The external feedback mode allows an external device to be used as the feedback element of the electrometer .

  19. 这种电缆对于通用的静电计应用是极好的,因为在这种应用中表面泄漏是不太重要的。

    These cables are excellent for general-purpose electrometer work because the surface leakage in this application is relatively unimportant .

  20. 在测量隔离电阻时,通常是提供一个电压,然后利用一个静电计或皮可安培计测量形成的电流。

    Isolation resistance measurements are usually made by sourcing a voltage , then measuring the resulting current using an electrometer or picoammeter .

  21. 用镭盐溶液标定静电计,操作环节多,并且至少重复三次,三天才能完成。

    Calibrating electrometer by a solution of radium salt takes more steps of operation which have to be repeated at least three times .

  22. 通过把离子偏转到狭长切口并用静电计测量离子流获取光谱的仪器。

    An instrument for obtaining a mass spectrum by deflecting ions into a thin slit and measuring the ion current with an electrometer .

  23. 采用恒流法,可以使用静电计电压表和电流源或者只使用静电计欧姆计来测量高电阻。

    High resistance measurements using the constant-current method may be made using either an electrometer voltmeter and current source or just an electrometer ohmmeter .

  24. 间接读数电容器型袖珍照射量计和附属静电计粉体工业典型静电放电辐射场测试研究

    Indirect-reading capacitor type pocket exposure meters and accessory electrometers ??? Investigation of the Characteristics of Radiate Field From the ESD According to Powder Industrial Production

  25. 为适应高阻抗需要,仪器输入电路中须用特殊设计的静电计专用电子管、场效应晶体管。

    To achieve the high impedance required specially designed " electrometer " vacuum tubes , field effect transistor must be used in the input stage .

  26. 系统硬件部分由电压源表、静电计、高精度数字万用表、精密电容和精密定时器等组成。

    Hardware of the system includes the voltage source table , electrometer , high precision digital multimeter , precision components such as capacitors and precision timers .

  27. 注意,这种测量方法是两线电阻测量,而使用静电计电压表和外部电流源则可以进行四线测量。

    Notice that this is a two-wire resistance measurement compared to using the electrometer voltmeter and external current source , which can make a four-wire measurement .

  28. 着重介绍汤森补偿系统和6517静电计系统电流、电荷档的测量结果,并对可能存在的偏差进行分析。

    This paper emphatically introduced the townsend compensation system , 6517 electrometer system current and charge gear measurement result , and analyzed the possible existence of deviation .

  29. 本文介绍了静电计级运算放大器在工业微电量测量中的应用,并且给出了实际的电路结构和相关的噪声解决办法。

    This paper describes the application of E-metcr operation amplifier in test and measurement , and shows the structure of circuit and the method to decrease the moise of circuit .

  30. 将静电计置于电压模式,然后打开外部反馈,就把反馈电路从内部网络切换到连在前置放大器输出端的外部反馈网络上。

    Placing the electrometer in the volts mode and then enabling external feedback switches the feedback circuit from an internal network to a feedback circuit connected to the preamp output .