
  • 网络Part-time employment
  1. 希望本文能够对非全日制就业的发展提供微薄的力量。

    The prospect of this paper is to make modest in the development of part-time employment .

  2. 传统的全日制就业形势已经不能完全满足我国经济的发展对用工方式的需求,这就决定了我国就业模式必须有非全日制就业的参与。

    The traditional full-time employment can not meet the demand of development of our national economy , which determines the part-time employment should join in employment mode of our country .

  3. 第一部分从非全日制就业概念,产生的原因,存在的意义和发展现状四个方面对非全日制就业进行了进行了详细的概述。

    The concept , the causes , the significance and trend of part-time employment are outlined in detail .

  4. 目前非全日制就业需要解决的问题包括工时、最低工资、社会保险、劳工关系等。

    Now the problem that the part-time system employment demand resolve includes man-hour , lowest wages , social insurance , labor relation etc.

  5. 非全日制就业不仅在一定程度上缓解了我国就业形势严峻的现状,也符合未来人们选择就业模式的发展趋势。

    The Part-time jobs not only relieve serious situation in employment situation , but also be in accord with the trend which people choose the employment mode in future .

  6. 不论是发达的西方国家还是经济稍许落后发展中国家,非全日制就业人员在整个就业人口中的比重呈上升趋势,非全日制用工形式都扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    Whether in the developed or developing countries , part-time employment in the proportion of the population is rising in total employment . The form of part-time employment plays an increasingly important role .

  7. 主要从非全日制就业的概念、范围、劳动合同形式、加班工资和小时工资计算标准、劳动关系解除、社会保险等几个方面提出了一些建议。

    And a sound proposal is proposed mainly from the concept , scope , form of contract labor , overtime pay and hours of wage standards , labor relations lifted , social insurance of part-time employment , and so on .

  8. 非全日制劳动对劳动者而言是一种非全日制就业形式,对用人单位而言是非全日制用工。

    The part-time labor for workers in a part-time form of obtaining employment and for the employing units is a part-time form of engaging the employees .