
  1. 本文的研究发现,股改后关联交易市场反应显著改善,并高于非关联交易的情形。

    The empirical results show market reaction to RPT improved significantly after the reform , more than that of the arm 's length transactions .

  2. 从关联交易视角看,我国上市公司关联交易并购是成功的,而非关联交易并购并不成功。

    From the perspective of related party transactions , mergers and acquisitions of listed companies with related transaction are successful , though mergers and acquisition without related party transaction are not successful .

  3. 论上市公司非正当关联交易的公司法规制

    On Regulating Illicit Associated Transactions of Listed Company with Company Law

  4. 中国上市公司非公允关联交易的根源及治理对策建议

    Thoughts on the Unfair Related Transaction in Listed Company in China

  5. 上市公司非公平关联交易下利益转移问题的研究

    The Study on Interests Shift of Listed Firms ' Unfair Related Transaction

  6. 第三章是我国上市公司非公允关联交易分析。

    Chapter III is the analysis of non-fair related transactions of Listed Companies .

  7. 香港与大陆上市公司非公允关联交易比较

    Comparative Study of Non-fair Related Transac-tions of Listed Companies in Hong Kong and Mainland

  8. 上述因素决定了我们必须用公司法来规制非正当关联交易。

    Above-mentioned factors have decided we should regulate illicit associated transactions with company law .

  9. 第二部分公司非公允关联交易产生的原因和危害。

    The second part is " the reason and harm of Non-fair related transactions " .

  10. 该制度是否能够在一定程度上抑制非公允关联交易的发生成为大家所普遍关注的焦点。

    Whether this system can control unfair related party transactions in some degrees is a hot point .

  11. 上市公司非公允关联交易治理研究

    Study on the Controlling of The Unfair Linkage Transactions Among The Listed Companies on The Stock Market

  12. 对非正当关联交易追究刑事责任的可行性分析竞选联合校董会董事。

    Feasibility Analysis on the Criminal Responsibility Adjudication of Unfair Related-Party Transaction running for the school board .

  13. 我国上市公司非公允关联交易的经济后果及治理

    Our Country Goes on the Market the Company Non-fair and Just Connection Transaction Economical Consequence and the Government

  14. 使关联交易至于公众的监督之下,有效地遏止非公平关联交易行为。

    The related trading should be under the supervision of the public to effectively curb the unfair related trading .

  15. 在界定关联交易的基础上,得出公司非公允关联交易的定义。

    On the basis of defining affiliate transaction , it is concluded that the fair company affiliate transaction definition .

  16. 事实上,非公允关联交易常常发生,并且规模大、形式多、内容复杂。

    In fact , the listed unfair related party transactions often happen , with large-scale , multi-form and complicated content .

  17. 论文应用现代经济学理论对我国上市公司非公平关联交易行为进行了分析。

    This paper applies modern economics theories to study the behavior of unfair related transaction of listed companies in China .

  18. 第三部分和第四部分是通过实证分析,研究了非公平关联交易的存在性以及其影响因素。

    Part ⅲ and part IV study the measure and the impact factors of unfair related party transactions by empirical research .

  19. 上市公司的非正当关联交易有非真实交易、非公开交易、非公平交易三大类型。

    Illicit associated transactions of listed companies have three kinds of type & non-true transactions , non-open transactions and unjust transactions .

  20. 通过定义抽象出公司非公允关联交易的特征,并指出公司非公允关联交易的类型。

    By defining abstracts the fair company affiliate transaction characteristics , and points out that the fair company affiliate transaction types .

  21. 大量非公允关联交易的存在,扭曲了资本市场资源配置的功能,误导投资者错误投资理念的形成。

    A lot of unfair related party transactions distort the resource allocation function of the capital market and mislead the investors .

  22. 第四部分构建了非公平关联交易的度量和识别模型,并对其进行实证研究。

    The fourth part makes up the measurement and recognition model of unfair RPT , and carries out empirical research on its economic consequence .

  23. 梳理国际会计准则、国外立法以及我国各项法规对公司非公允关联交易中关联方的界定。

    Comb international accounting standards , foreign legislation and our country to the rules of fair company related transactions the definition of " related-party " .

  24. 虽然《公司法》已经初步形成了非正当关联交易法律规制体系,但是仍然需要进一步补充和完善。

    Although there has taken shape legal regulations system of unfair affiliated transactions in Company Law , but further supplements and improvements still be needed .

  25. 第二章分析了非正当关联交易侵害中小股东权益的原因及具体表现形式。

    In Chapter II , the reason and the idiographic tort forms are analyzed , which unfair linked transaction infringe the rights and interests of minority shareholders .

  26. 考虑到不同控股类型、不同行业特征等因素,建立了基于不同控股类型和不同行业的上市公司非公平关联交易识别模型。

    In view of factors like different types of share-holding or different trades , we establish listed companies ' unfair RPT models based on share-holding types and trades .

  27. 要建立和完善民事赔偿制度和司法救济措施,在由于非公平关联交易的行为给市场和投资者造成侵害时,使受害方能够得到应有的保护。

    Civil compensation system and judicial relief measures should be established and improved to protect the victims when unfair related trading causes damage to the stock market and investors .

  28. 作者建议采用下列公司法上的手段来规制非正当关联交易:引进国外的刺破公司面纱原则和深石原则;

    The author proposes adopting the following means on company law to regulate illicit associated transactions : introduce abroad Principle of Piercing the Corporate Veil and Deep Rock Doctrine ;

  29. 本文将大股东控制下的我国上市公司财务欺诈行为大致分为两类:上市公司利润操纵行为和非公允关联交易下的利益转移,并用具体案例来说明。

    The pattern of financial fraud of listed company , such as the fraud of profit manipulation and interest transfer by illegal related transactions , is analyzed through classical case .

  30. 本章第二节分析了商业银行非公平关联交易对商业银行、银行控制方和中小股东、银行客户和存款人、以及整个金融体系等各个利益方影响。

    The second part of this chapter surveys the improper related-party transactions ' influence on commercial bank , control-party and other shareholders , bank clients , depositors , and financial system .