
  • 网络Facilitator;facilitating agency
  1. 另一方面,将一些重大的经常性的商行为以条文方式陈述,看是否符合商主体条件,从而辅助确认商主体。

    On the other hand , commercial subject can also be confirmed on basis of its compliance with conditions of commercial subject by stating significant regular commercial practices in the way of provision .

  2. 数据挖掘技术的应用可以帮助运营商分析客户消费行为,识别客户特征,辅助运营商进行有效的市场营销和客户服务。

    The application that the data mining technology can help the operator to analyse customer 's consumer behavior , discerning customer 's characteristic , the auxiliary operator carries on the effective marketing and customer service .

  3. 从而辅助通信运营商实时把握用户的行为习惯,话务量的发展趋势,并进行合理决策和投资。

    Telecommunications operators may grasp the real-time user behavior , traffic trend of development and carry out rational decision-making and investment .

  4. 基于粒子群优化算法,提出了求解计及辅助服务的发电商优化调度模型的统一算法。

    A uniform PSO-based algorithm for solving optimal operation models of gencos considering ancillary services is proposed .

  5. 基于发电商的优化调度模型,建立了综合考虑辅助服务的发电商短期运行资产价值评估的实物期权模型。

    Based on the optimal operation models of gencos , the real options model for short-term generation asset valuation with the consideration of ancillary services .

  6. 龙比亚大学和威斯敏斯特大学现在都有一个项目,只不过巧立在另外的名目之下:辅助治疗专业的商学士。

    Both Napier University and The University of Westminster currently have the program disguised under a different name : " BSC in Complementary Therapies . "

  7. 第二章讨论了与发电商有关的辅助服务和及其运营模式,建立了计及辅助服务的发电商优化调度模型。

    In chapter II , the definition and patterns of the ancillary services supplied by the gencos are discussed . The gencos ' optimal operation models considering ancillary services for various market patterns are established .