
  • 网络non-fossil fuels
  1. 为此,中国加大了对风电、核电、水电等非化石能源的投入。

    So China will increase investment to the construction of hydraulic , wind , nuclear , solar power and other non-fossil fuels .

  2. 行动目标包括碳排放强度要显著下降,非化石能源比重要显著提高,森林蓄积量要显著增加。

    The measures are expected to include marked progress in reducing carbon intensity , increasing the share of non-fossil fuels , and raising the forest stock .

  3. 中国还在非化石能源和森林方面设定了目标。

    There are targets for non-fossil energy and forests .

  4. 我国政府提出2020年非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到15%。

    Our State government proposed the non-fossil energy share of total primary energy consumption would reach to 15 % by 2020 .

  5. 另外,应积极发展各种非化石能源,深化能源体制改革,进一步加强国际合作。

    In addition , China should actively develop non-fossil energy sources , deepen its energy system reform and continue to strengthen international cooperation .

  6. 非化石能源快速发展,水电、风电装机位居世界第一;

    Non-fossil energy production developed rapidly , and China now ranks first in the world in the installed capacity of both hydropower and wind power .

  7. 可再生能源是清洁、可永续利用的非化石能源,发展可再生能源是优化能源结构、保障能源安全、促进经济发展的重要手段。

    Developing the renewable energy is an important measure to optimize the structure of energy , guarantee the energy security and promote the economic development .

  8. 要完成到2020年我国非化石能源在能源消费总量中所占比例达到15%的目标,任务非常艰巨。

    China ′ s objective is to raise the share of non-fossil energy in its energy mix to15 % by2020.This objective is very difficult to achieve .

  9. 拓展油气和电力(行情专区)输配网络。非化石能源发电量比重达到22.3%。

    Oil , natural gas and electric power networks were expanded , and electricity generated from non-fossil energy amounted to 22.3 % of the total electricity output .

  10. 两位研究人员相信,中国政府的目标——到2020年非化石能源占一次能源比重达到15%——“很可能明显提前实现”。

    The researchers believe the government 's target to derive 15 per cent of primary energy from non-fossil sources by 2020 " is likely to be significantly beaten . "

  11. 我国提出逐步提高非化石能源的比重,完全符合我国目前能源工业的现状。

    China plans to gradually raise the share of non-fossil fuels in its energy mix and this plan fits very well the situation faced by the country ′ s energy industry .

  12. 非化石能源成为全世界各国的首选,其中太阳能以其“取之不尽、用之不竭”的绿色能源备受各国关注。

    Non-fossil Energy has become the top choice of all the countries in the world , solar energy is inexhaustible in supply and always available for use , and has become a focus of each country .

  13. 另外,在2014年,包括水能、核能和其他可再​​生能源在内的非化石能源对全球能源供应增长的合计贡献超过了化石能源,这是20年来的头一次。

    Non-fossil fuels including hydro , nuclear and other renewable sources had also provided a bigger overall contribution to global energy supply growth in 2014 than fossil fuels , for the first time in 20 years .

  14. 要提高非化石能源发电比重,发展智能电网和分布式能源,鼓励发展风能、太阳能,开工一批水电、核电项目。

    We will continue to raise the proportion of electricity generated by non-fossil fuel , develop smart grids and promote balanced distribution of energy resources , encourage the development of wind and solar power and biomass energy , and start construction of a number of hydropower and nuclear power projects .

  15. 煤层气作为一种非常规化石能源,主要成分是甲烷,探明的储量相当巨大,其蕴含量可以和天然气的储量相提并论。

    A kind of unconventional fossil energy with its huge proven reserves comparable to natural gas , in which the main composition is non-renewable energy & methane .

  16. 中国的目标是,到2015年使非化石燃料在能源消费中的比重达到11.4%。

    The country aims to draw 11.4 per cent of its energy consumption from non-fossil fuels by 2015 .

  17. 同时,非化石燃料的能源使用量将从目前的8.6%增加到国家能源消耗总量的11.4%。

    At the same time , the target for non-fossil fuel energy usage is 11.4 percent of the country 's total energy consumption from the current 8.6 percent .

  18. 这延续了早先的承诺,即中国的碳排放将不迟于2030年见顶,同时到2030年,非化石燃料在其能源结构中所占比重将升至20%左右。

    This followed earlier commitments that its carbon emissions would peak no later than 2030 and the amount of non-fossil fuels in its energy mix would rise to about 20 per cent by 2030 .