
  • 网络martingale;Martingale Process
  1. 首先,依据动态资产定价理论,将巨灾期权视作双触发原因期权,运用鞅过程原理、随机过程理论,建立基于地震灾害损失分布的巨灾期权定价公式。

    Apply the principle of martingale process and stochastic process theory to establish pricing formula of catastrophe option based on losses distribution of earthquake disasters .

  2. 在该测度基础上,构造鞅过程可以对一些固定收益衍生品定价,进一步给出零息债券的欧式期权、利率上限期权的定价公式。

    Can used to construct the martingale process to valuate the fixed - income derivatives . It also helps to mark out the pricing formulas of call option in terms of zero - coupon bond and interest - rate caps .

  3. 本文研究了当基本价格过程为一类连续半鞅过程时log最优的自融资投资组合的财富过程与等价鞅测度之间的对应关系。

    In this paper , a relationship between the optimal growth portfolio and a martingale measure is studied when the underlying asset price processes are modeled by some continuous special semimartingale .

  4. 半鞅过程控制中Bolza型代价函数的方向可微性

    Directional Differentiability of Loss Functional of Bolza Type in Semimartingale process Controlling

  5. 由于所有的金融过程要放在无套利这个基础上来讨论,在原基础上我们采取了一个半鞅过程来逼近一个鞅过程。

    Since all of the financial processes should be based on the no-arbitrage assumption , we have taken semi-martingale process method which is based on original one to close the whole process .

  6. 经典期权定价理论是建立在有效市场假设基础之上,即市场是无套利的、对数股票价格经过无风险利率折现服从一个鞅过程;这暗示在大多数场合股票价格增量应该是相互独立的。

    Classic option pricing theory is built on the basis of efficient market hypothesis , that market has no arbitrage , logarithm stock price after a discount of risk-free rate follows a martingale process ; this suggests the stock price increments in most cases should be mutually independent .

  7. 并把Poisson过程、马氏过程、鞅和更新过程等理论广泛的应用到这一系列模型的理论研究中去。

    They abroad use the poisson process 、 markov process 、 martingale and renewal process in the research of risk theory .

  8. 两参数马氏过程,鞅及平稳过程之间的关系

    The Relations of Two-parameter Markov Processes , Martingales and Stationary Processes

  9. 此外,还系统地研究了马氏过程、鞅及平稳过程之间的关系。

    Moreover we investigate the relations for Markov processes , martingales and stationary processes systematically .

  10. 摘要系统研究了严平稳过程,宽平稳过程与鞅及马氏过程的相互关系,得到许多有趣的结果。

    In this paper , we have systematically investigated the relations for strictly stationary processes , wide stationary processes , martingales ang Markov processes , many interesting results of interest are obtained .

  11. 向前向后鞅分解和马氏过程大偏差

    Forward-Backward Martingale Decomposition and Large Deviations for Markov Processes

  12. 鞅论是随机过程的一个前沿理论,近年来,它作为一个强有力的研究工具逐渐向各个学科渗透。

    Martingale is a front theory in stochastic process , recently , it was gradually applied to various discipline .

  13. 在鞅论的发展过程中,鞅空间上的不等式一直是深受关注的研究热点。

    In the course of the development of martingale theory , martingale space and inequalities have been a concerned research hot spot .

  14. 利用鞅分析、随机过程等理论求出新模型的最优投资与消费策略。

    Then we use the theory of martingale analysis and random process to find the optimal investment and consumption strategies of the new model .
