
  • 网络syllable structure;syllabic structure
  1. 汉语音节结构的复杂性主要是其韵核前介音的归属问题。

    The complexity of the Chinese syllable structure is syllabic status of the prenuclear glides .

  2. 本文以音位理论为依据,对洛阳方言与RP从元音系统、辅音系统、音节结构三方面进行音段音位的对比分析,以促进洛阳方言区的英语语音教学。

    Based on the phoneme theory , this paper analyzes the segmental phonemes in Luoyang dialect and RP from three aspects : vowel system , consonant system and syllable structure , in order to improve the teaching of English pronunciation in Luoyang area .

  3. 音段通过三个时量单位投射到音节结构中去。

    Segments map onto the syllable structure through the timing units .

  4. 声调是汉语音节结构中不可或缺的一个组成部分。

    Chinese tone is an important part of syllable structure .

  5. 现代汉语的儿化韵和音节结构

    Retr of lexion and Syllabic Structure of Modern Mandarin

  6. 维、哈学生学习汉语双音节结构错序偏误分析

    Disorder Analysis of Learning Bi-syllabic Structure of Chinese by Uyghur and Kazakh Students

  7. 普通话音节结构分析的原则和方法

    The Principles and Methods of Analysis about Syllable Constructions in Common Spoken Chinese

  8. 汉英音节结构的差异对中国学生英语语音习得有重要影响。

    The differences between them have great effect on Chinese students'English phonetic acquisition .

  9. 汉语长沙方言的音节结构与音段系统

    Syllable Structure and Segmental Phonology in Changsha Chinese

  10. 混合的音节结构,也让发音组合变得相对复杂。

    It has a mixed syllable structure , allowing for relatively complex combinations of sounds .

  11. 在二语语音领域内,音节结构方面的研究最多,因此本研究也以二语音节结构作为主要研究对象。

    Within the field of L2 phonology , the most frequently studied area is syllable structure .

  12. 益阳方言音节结构

    The Syllable Structure in Yiyang Chinese

  13. 研究发现,以英语为目的语的朝鲜族学生会在学习英语的音节结构和塞音时遇到困难。

    Recent research shows that Korean-Chinese EFL learners have difficulties in learning both English syllable structures and stops .

  14. 儿化后缀诱发的词干交替研究涉及音段结构和音节结构两个板块理论和相关分析。

    The analysis of the syllable structure and segmental structure is analytically crucial and theoretically relevant to this research .

  15. 维吾尔语c+q(■、χ)式音节结构中元音i的声学语音学分析

    An Acoustic Phonetics Analysis of the Vowel / I / in the Uyghur c + q (■、χ) syllabic structure

  16. 汉语特有的音节结构和运用技巧,使汉语富于音乐美。

    The specific syllabic structures of the Chinese language musical and the skills in applying them make the language musical .

  17. 三音节结构中副词、形容词、名词作状语研究

    The distribution of stresses within a polysyllabic word . The Study on Adverb , Adjective , Noun Adverbials in Trisyllable

  18. 两种情况音变过程中的音节结构模式和变调模式均非常特殊。

    In the above two cases , the model of syllable structure and the model of tone change are both particular .

  19. 从音节结构来看,高频字的音节总体上比较简单。

    As far as the syllable-structure is concerned , as a whole , the syllable structure of high-frequency character is simple .

  20. 目前,关于英日音节结构的研究仅是局限在形式上的分布比较,而对于以理论为基础的比较研究关注甚少。

    All the available researches concerning the comparison of English and Japanese syllable structures now are just confined to the formal distribution .

  21. 实验一和实验二的数据表明音节结构和词汇范畴对于重音放置习得都有重要影响。

    Analysis of the production and perception data indicated that both syllabic structure and lexical class had an effect on stress placement .

  22. 音韵学信息研究中,建立了基于伪音节结构的自动语言辨识系统。

    In study of phonology , language identification system based on pseudo-syllable is built . The speech signal is processed in five steps .

  23. 英、汉两种语言语音间除切分音位与音节结构的相似性外,其实在这两种语言中音调的音高变化趋势方面也有一定的相似性。

    In a word , the similarities not only exist in syncopation and syllable structure , but also in the changing trend of inflection .

  24. 从这种制约条件的等级排列上,我们可以清楚地了解到两种语言核心音节结构的异同点。

    We can get a clear picture about the similarities and the differences of English and Japanese core syllable structures from their different constraint hierarchies .

  25. 重点调查三种影响英语重音习得的因素:音节结构、词汇范畴、音韵相似词汇的重音形式。

    Three factors , syllabic structure , lexical class , and stress patterns of known words contributing to the acquisition of English stress system were investigated .

  26. 本研究提出以另一种视角&优选论视角来探讨以汉语为母语者在习得英语音节结构中的音节简化和习得的递进阶段。

    This study suggests another perspective & an OT perspective to view syllable simplification and account for developmental stages in acquiring English syllable structure for native speakers of Chinese .

  27. 本文从语言学角度分析汉语简化词的结构特点,即形式最简、语义专指、双音节结构为主。

    The characteristics of Chinese simplified words are as follows : possessing the most reduced form , the focused semantic reference and usually combining two syllables in one word .

  28. 相同、相近的音节结构或相同、相近的韵母的使用,洪音、细音的调配,相同音节结构的重叠等等是广告语言语音形式加工的主要内容。

    The phonetic process of advertising language mainly involves the utilization of the same , similar syllables or the same , similar vowels ; the allocation of sonorous and low-pitched sounds ;

  29. 笔者采用共时比较的方法,考察俄汉音节结构、声调和重音(本文指词重音)、连读形变等的异同。

    In this paper we take synchronic comparison to compare the differences and similarities of these two languages in the syllabic structure , tone and stress and sound changes in the speech .

  30. 从音节结构来看,单音节连词36个,计4344例;双音节连词92个,计2742例;三音节连词3个,计9例。

    As for the syllable structure , the monosyllable note conjunctions are 36 , count 4344 examples . Double syllable conjunctions are 92 , count 2742 examples . Three syllable conjunctions are 3 , count 9 examples .