
xiànɡ mù jiàn yì shū
  • project proposal
  1. 项目建议书的基本结构与撰写要求

    The basic structure of project proposal and how to write it

  2. 如果项目建议书批准了就行了吗?

    Is that all if the project proposal is approved ?

  3. 我们为您列出了一些关于项目建议书写作的参考信息。

    We have compiled a list of useful PROPOSAL WRITING tips .

  4. 连云港市海洋生态环境建设优先项目建议书

    Priority Projects of Ecological Environmental Protection in Lianyungang Marine

  5. 项目建议书批准后,即可对外进行实质性的谈判。

    Sufficient preparations must be undertaken before negotiations are begun with the foreign party .

  6. 撰写各类商业文件,如投资计划书,项目建议书,市场可行性报告等;

    Composing relevant business articles , such as business plan , market feasibility report , etc.

  7. 正在编制项目建议书。

    The project proposal is being compiled .

  8. 审查项目建议书的财务吸引力是高管们的一项共同任务。

    Reviewing the financial attractiveness of project proposals is a common task for senior executives .

  9. 本文提出在项目建议书和可行性研究阶段应用价值管理的解决思路。

    This paper proposes that value management should be used in the stages of proposal and feasibility report .

  10. 高校图书馆建设中的关键环节&项目建议书的准备

    A Key Link in the Construction of a New University Library & The Preparation for the Project Recommendation Book

  11. 具有极强的文字写作能力以及踏实的文案设计能力,能够独立完成投资项目建议书及相关可行性分析报告;

    Strong writing skills and case design ability ; able to independently compile the project investment proposal and feasibility report ;

  12. 设立合作企业的项目建议书,并附送主管部门审查同意的文件;

    Project proposal for establishing a contractual jv , together with the documents of approval handed out by the administrative departments ;

  13. 项目建议书需提交打印文本正本1份、副本19份。

    The project proposals shall be submitted in one ( 1 ) original copy and nineteen ( 19 ) duplicate copies .

  14. 纽约收到来自17所名校的7份项目建议书,其中包括为硅谷的建立做出极大贡献的斯坦福大学。

    New York received seven proposals from 17 top institutions , including Stanford University which did so much to create Silicon Valley .

  15. 并将审批后的项目建议书和可行性研究报告报上述委办备案。

    After being examined for approval the project proposals and feasibility study reports will be filed with the above-mentioned Commission or Office .

  16. 谈判方案和我方提出的建议文本应符合已批准的项目建议书的内容。

    The negotiation program and the proposal documents produced by the Chinese party shall comply with the contents of the approved project proposal .

  17. 有没有限制的规定外,生产者必须从北美和项目建议书是必须以英文提交。

    There are no restrictions aside from the requirement that producers must be from North America and project proposals must be submitted in English .

  18. 项目建议书及可行性研究报告,根据中央粮库建设精神及库址建设的有利条件等充分论述了建设的必要性与可行性。

    The project feasibility study and proposal fully explain the necessity and feasibility , taking account of the advantageous local conditions for constructing depot .

  19. 项目建议书阶段价值管理的核心目标是验证决策是否正确,审核项目建设的必要性。

    The core objective of value management in proposal is to verify whether the decision is correct or not and examine the need of the project .

  20. 每个库包含了知识资本&项目建议书和工作文件、约定摘要、讲演与报告、流程图、软件方案等。

    Each repository contains intellectual capital & project proposals and work papers , engagement summaries , presentations and reports , process maps , software solutions and so forth .

  21. 论文在第二章中主要对项目建议书、可行性研究报告、项目评估报告进行后评价,分析评价项目的决策内容。

    Chapter II , the project post-evaluation of the main decision-making is for project proposals , feasibility studies , project evaluation report , analyzing and evaluating the project decision-making content .

  22. 这份含中英文的项目建议书及其附件,可以告诉你们,石狮的这个项目正是联合国工发组织正在加大投入的关于私有部门能力建设项目极好的案例。

    From the proposal you will find that Shishi 's Case is a good example for one of UNIDO 'S ongoing input on the issue of Capacity Building for private sector .

  23. 基于韩礼德的系统功能语言学理论,分析西屋电气公司的项目建议书&中国电动交通工具企业发展计划这一科技语篇中的情态系统,以考察该系统是否表达了建议书要表达的人际意义。

    Based on Halliday 's systemic functional linguistic theory , this paper mainly analyses the interpersonal meaning and modal expressions of a project proposal entitled Electric Transportation Business Development Plan for China .

  24. 设立合资的投资性公司的项目建议书、投资各方签署的可行性研究报告、合同、章程;

    Letter of project suggestion on establishing a investment company in the form of joint venture , the feasibility study report , the contract , the articles of association signed by all the investors ;

  25. 对工程造价管理从项目建议书阶段、可行性评估阶段、设计阶段、施工阶段、竣工验收阶段以及后评估阶段造价管理的控制进行了分析,指出了造价管理在全过程控制的重要性。

    According to the engineering cost management in suggestion stage , feasibility evaluation stage , design stage , construction , acceptance and post-evaluation stage analysis is carried out for cost control . The important roles of cost management acted in the whole procedure control are pointed out in the end .

  26. 组织进行公司及部门相关项目投标方案建议书等的拟制;

    Organize the compilation of the bid plan recommendation for relevant corporation and the department projects ;

  27. 项目进展:已编制项目建议书。

    Project Progress : T he project proposal has been compiled .

  28. 房地产项目造价管理具体体现在项目建议书阶段、可行性研究阶段、设计阶段、工程招投标及签定合同阶段、工程施工阶段、工程竣工结算阶段、后评价阶段。

    Cost management of a real estate project is practiced mainly in the project proposal stage , the feasibility study stage , the design stage , bidding and contract signing stage , construction stage , the closing stage after completion and the after-appraisal stage .

  29. 项目的相似性分析一般是根据项目建议书的标题、摘要和关键词并结合项目管理人员的经验进行。

    Similarity of projects is analyzed by manager based on experience , title , abstract , and keywords of scientific research project requisitions .

  30. 一般来说,在决定项目是否上马之前,都必须提供项目建议书和可行性评价报告,用来分析和论证项目生命周期内的效益状况,为项目上马提供依据。

    Generally speaking , before the decision of carrying out a project , the project suggestion and feasible analysis should be provided for analyzing its performance during its life cycle so that the support evidence for it can be brought out .