
lǐnɡ dǎo jī ɡòu
  • leading organ
  1. 最后从领导机构、资金筹措、建设用地、外部环境、基础设施、财税政策几个方面提出J港规划的实施建议。

    Suggestions relevant to leading organ , funding , land for construction , external environment , infrastructure and tax policy are put forward to put the Jingzhou Port planning into practice .

  2. 政府作为一个城市的行政领导机构,是国家在某一城市的具体执行部门。

    The government is an administrative leading organ of the city and a concrete execution department .

  3. 当前,由于其历史原因和领导机构,SCA保留了大量与特定厂商绑定、以Java为中心的技术。

    Today , because of its history and leadership , SCA remains fairly Java centric technology bound to specific vendors .

  4. 但关键问题在于,作为奥林匹克运动领导机构的国际奥委会(IOC)是否有这样的准备,即在事前进行充分的尽职调查,而不是轻信举办城市的口头承诺。

    But the key issue is whether the International Olympic Committee , the games " organising body , is prepared to do proper due diligence beforehand and not take the host 's promises at face value .

  5. 巴西举办的2014年世界杯眼看就要开幕了,关于国际足球界领导机构&国际足联(Fifa)腐败的指控,越来越让这个机构的资金赞助商们头痛不已。

    Allegations of corruption at Fifa , the organisation that runs world soccer , are giving its financial sponsors increasing headaches , with only three days to go before the start of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil .

  6. FIBA领导机构的选拔规则是如此的含糊和愚蠢,那些领导者可以随便选择那些他们想要的人,并且他们也这样做了。

    The selection rules that the FIBA leaders instituted were so vague and so stupid that these leaders could choose anyone that they wanted and so they did .

  7. 国际大体联是两年一度的大运会的领导机构。

    The FISU is the supporting organization of the biannual Universiades .

  8. 它是中国第一个具有现代化意义的全国军事领导机构。

    It is the first with modern national military leadership .

  9. 这和国家的领导机构有关。

    It 's about the machine that 's taking over this country .

  10. 各教派之间的其他差异与教会领导机构有关。

    Other denominational differences have to do with church government .

  11. 排放清单编制工作必须建立领导机构、工作机构和运行机制。

    The achievement of the above work requires establishment of necessary operation mechanism .

  12. 组建奥运会组织领导机构;

    The organizational structure of BOCOG will be established ;

  13. 你可以问千千万万个性工作者和不计其数的性工作领导机构。

    You can speak to millions of sex workers and countless sex work-led organizations .

  14. 调整充实各级领导机构,完善管理指挥系统;

    Adjust and substantiate the leading organs in various levels , perfect administrative and commanding system ;

  15. 结果82.10%的学校建立了食堂卫生组织领导机构和食堂卫生管理制度;

    Results Both health administrative organization and hygiene system were established in 82.10 % school dininghalls ;

  16. 探讨其中的原因,主要是缺乏统一的组织领导机构和运行机制的不合理。

    The main cause is the lack of a specific leading organization and an irrational working system .

  17. 麦克亨利:你对现在的领导机构和领导人的变动是否满意?

    Donald mchenry : are you satisfied with the changes in the present governing bodies and leaders ?

  18. 总部设在瑞士洛桑的国际奥委会是奥林匹克运动的领导机构。

    The ioc , based in lausanne , switzerland , is the ruling body of the Olympic movement .

  19. 大会还选举产生了第六届中国译协常务理事会和新一届中国译协领导机构。

    The General Affairs Council and the new leaders of the Sixth ChinaTranslators Association were also chosen in it .

  20. 第一章是议会领导机构的概述。介绍了议会领导机构设立的背景,并介绍了几个国家的议会领导机构及其运作。

    Chapter One introduces the outline of the leading organs of the parliament , and the background of its birth .

  21. 这一决定打破了援助国同巴自治领导机构之间延续将近一年的僵局。

    This decision broke the impasse between donor countries and Palestinian Autonomous Authorities that had lasted for nearly one year .

  22. 朝鲜曾表示,党的“最高领导机构”将在会议上选举产生;

    North Korea has said that the party 's " highest leading body " will be elected at the meeting ;

  23. 我请你们把我的话带给将要在新的领导机构里面工作的每一个同志。

    I should like you to convey my words to every comrade who will be working in the new leading bodies .

  24. 同理,生产设备的保险费用为制造费用,而公司领导机构的保险费用则作为管理费用。

    Similarly insurance on the factory facilities is overhead . Insurance on corporate offices , however , is treated as an administrative expense .

  25. 由于主席团的规模太大,由它来主持会议,实际上与设立领导机构的初衷(使议会更有效运作)已有背离。

    However , the scale of the presidium is so large that it is not effective for the presidium to preside over the congress .

  26. 公司的治理结构不仅是公司领导机构的组织形式,而且是公司产权关系人格化的体现。

    The administrative structure of corporation is not only an organizational form of the leading body , but also the personification of property rights .

  27. 卫、所都隶属于都司(相当于今省一级的军事领导机构),各都司又分别归中央的五军都督府(左、右、中、前、后等军都督府)统辖。

    Wei and Suo were the subsidiaries of DuSi , a provincial military leading organization nowadays , which was governed by central military organization .

  28. 就在古巴即将选举该国最高领导机构国务委员会成员的几天之前,菲德尔.卡斯特罗发表了不再寻求领导职务的声明。预计,81岁的卡斯特罗仍将保留国务委员会委员的职位。

    The announcement by Fidel Castro comes only days before officials are to select the island 's top ruling body , the Council of State .

  29. 中国大学生高尔夫分会的组织结构应是直线职能型,其决策系统中应包括领导机构、决策机构和执行机构三个实施子系统。

    The structure of Chinese college golf committees should be linear , its decision-making system should include administrative , decision-making and operation sub-systems . 2 .

  30. 中央军委是中华人民共和国最高军事领导机构,指挥全国军事力量。

    The Central Military Commission ( CMC ) is the highest military leading organ of the PRC . It directs the armed forces of the country .