
lǐnɡ tǔ zhǔ quán
  • territorial sovereignty
  1. 领土主权以及离岛人民的自决同样涉及其中。

    Issues of territorial sovereignty and self-determination for the Islanders are also in play .

  2. 中国要求日本立刻停止任何侵犯中国领土主权的行径。

    China askes Japan to immediately stop all acts that harm China 's territorial sovereignty .

  3. 多方主张拥有对马其顿的领土主权,结果在巴尔干地区引发了冲突。

    Rival claims to Macedonian territory caused conflict in the Balkans .

  4. 另一个重大问题是围绕独岛(Dokdo,日本称竹岛(Takeshima))的领土主权纠纷。大约三分之二的韩国人、三分之一的日本人提到了这一点。

    The next most important issue is the territorial dispute over the islands Korea calls Dokdo and Japan calls Takeshima , mentioned by about two-thirds of Koreans and a third of Japanese .

  5. 一些关于领土主权问题的评论甚至相当尖刻。

    Some of the criticism can be pretty sharp & that comes with the territory .

  6. 拉夫罗夫曾再三向克里保证,俄罗斯尊重乌克兰的领土主权。

    Mr. Lavrov repeatedly assured Mr. Kerry that Russia planned to respect Ukraine 's borders .

  7. 坚定维护国家领土主权和海洋权益。

    We resolutely safeguarded China 's sovereignty , territorial integrity , and maritime rights and interests .

  8. 领土主权国家在长达四百多年的时间里一直是世界政治中最重要的行为主体。

    The territorial state has been the primary actor in world politics for more than four centuries .

  9. 任何其他国家对黄岩岛和南沙群岛的岛屿提出领土主权要求,都是非法的,无效的。

    Sovereignty claims over Huangyan Island and Nansha Islands by any other country are illegal and invalid .

  10. 这同时也阻塞了讨论,更别说提出针对南海地区难以调和的领土主权问题的解决方案了。

    It also blocked discussion let alone resolution - of the conflicting territorial claims in the region .

  11. 发言人说,在钓鱼岛问题上,中国将一如既往地坚决维护国家领土主权。

    The spokesman said China will continue to take measures to firmly safeguard its territorial sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands .

  12. 1962年,国际仲裁法院给予柬埔寨该寺庙的领土主权,但是与这寺庙相毗邻的土地却仍在泰国的控制下。

    In1962 , the International Court of Justice granted sovereignty to Cambodia , but adjacent land remained under Thai control .

  13. 毋庸讳言,本地区还存在着一些领土主权、海洋权益等争议。

    There is no denying that there are some disputes over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in this region .

  14. 中方依法采取必要措施维护国家领土主权完全正当,无可指责。

    The Chinese side took necessary measures to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity . This is totally legitimate and irreproachable .

  15. (二)中国始终坚定维护在南海的领土主权和海洋权益

    ii . China has always been resolute in upholding its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea

  16. 两艘中国海监船已经出发前往钓鱼岛,表达出中国维护领土主权的信心。

    Two China Marine Surveillance ships have been sent to the Diaoyu Island area to press China 's sovereignty over the islands .

  17. 中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益在任何情况下不受仲裁裁决的影响。

    China 's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea shall under no circumstances be affected by those awards .

  18. 坚定维护国家领土主权和海洋权益。我国的对外影响力进一步提升。

    We resolutely safeguarded China 's sovereignty , territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests . China 's influence in the world further increased .

  19. 菲律宾妄图借此否定中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益。

    In doing so , the Philippines attempts to deny China 's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea .

  20. 马尼拉和北京方面都淡化了外界对于两国将在南海部分地区领土主权争议问题上取得突破的期望。

    Both Manila and Beijing have played down expectations of a breakthrough in their dispute over territorial claims on parts of the South China Sea .

  21. 美国总统布什说,南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹在国际承认的格鲁吉亚疆界内,俄罗斯不该要求它们的领土主权。

    U.S. President George Bush says South Ossetia and Abkhazia are part of Georgia 's international recognized borders and Russia must not lay claim to the territories .

  22. 他敦促日方以诚实的态度面对其军国主义的对外侵略历史,停止损害中国领土主权的行为。

    He urged the Japanese side to honestly face up to and reflect on its history of militarist aggression and stop infringing upon China 's territorial sovereignty .

  23. 绝对领土主权理论、绝对领土完整理论和在先占用主义只维护一国的权利和利益,遭到国际社会的普遍抛弃。

    The theories of absolute territory sovereignty , absolute territory integrity and prior use have been abandoned by international society generally because they favorite only one state .

  24. 自卫权是一个国家的自然权利,也是所有国家尊重其他国家领土主权的一般性义务的例外。

    The right to self-defense is a natural right of countries , as well as all countries to respect other country 's sovereignty and territorial general obligation exception .

  25. 他说,这是对中国领土主权的严重侵犯,中国政府已经进行严正交涉,强烈抗议日本方面的行为。

    He said it is a severe infringement upon China 's territorial sovereignty , and the Chinese government has lodged solemn representations and strong protests to the Japanese side .

  26. 是声明你们各国家的领土主权,并正式商讨解决那些国家边界的问题的时候了。

    It is time for your world to reclaim the many pieces that make up many nations'territorial sovereignty , and for negotiations to formally settle the issue of many national boundaries .

  27. 国际法上,对领土主权的归属原则主要有添附、割让、征服、占领、时效,文中对占领以及时效进行了详细的介绍。

    International Law on territorial sovereignty , the principle of ownership are " accretion , ceded , conquest , occupation , age ", the occupation and limitation were introduced in detail .

  28. 它将加强人民的陆海空军,巩固国防,保卫领土主权完整,反对任何帝国主义国家的侵略。

    It will strengthen the people 's army , navy and air force , consolidate national defence , safeguard our territorial integrity and sovereignty and oppose aggression by any imperialist country .

  29. 上周六,中国国防部表示将在东海这个无人居住的群岛上空建立防空识别区,以保护中国的领土主权。

    The Chinese defence ministry said on Saturday that it would establish the air zone over the group of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea in order to protect its territorial rights .

  30. 主要就收回行政主权和领土主权、在自开商埠中行使国家主权、维护国家利权等方面进行探讨和评价。

    This part will commend and discuss the following aspects : to regain administration sovereignty and territory sovereignty , to enforce sovereignty in self-opening economic ports , to stick up for national commercial rights .