
  • 网络chinese territory
  1. 西沙群岛是中国领土

    Xisha Islands are part of the Chinese territory

  2. 钓鱼岛极其邻近岛屿是中国领土不可分割的一部分!

    The Diaoyu Island and adjacent islands are an inalienable part of Chinese territory .

  3. 历史上,外蒙古曾是中国领土的一部分。

    In history , Outer Mongolia was once a part of China .

  4. 钓鱼岛是神圣的不可侵犯的中国领土。

    Diaoyu Island is China 's sacred and inviolable territory .

  5. 他告诫目前还没有在打算在中国领土外的地方建设铁路。

    He cautioned that there were no plans to start construction yet outside China .

  6. 比英国更早,强租中国领土澳门的,是葡萄牙。

    And before Britain , Portugal had compelled China to lease its territory of Macao .

  7. 他宣称:中国领土内所有的海洋资源都属于13亿中国人民。

    All the marine resources in China belong to 1.3 billion Chinese citizens , he claimed .

  8. 文昌位于北纬9度,这是对中国领土的最南端。

    Wenchang is located at 9 degrees north latitude , which is the southernmost point on Chinese territory .

  9. 中国领土上至今还有日本遗弃的大量化学武器。

    Today , large quantities of chemical weapons abandoned by the Japanese invaders still remain on Chinese soil .

  10. 但英国对中国领土的最初觊觎目标却并非香港,而是舟山。

    At that time , the goal that Britain coveted at first was not Hong Kong , but Zhoushan .

  11. 我愿再次重申,黄岩岛和南沙群岛历来都是中国领土的一部分。

    I would like to reiterate that Huangyan Island and Nansha Islands have always been parts of Chinas territory .

  12. 在北京方面看来,牢牢控制住新疆,是其保持中国领土完整和一党制的关键。

    Beijing sees firm control of Xinjiang as key to its ability to preserve territorial integrity and one-party rule .

  13. 地理上看,洛阳处于中国领土的中心,是中国文化与历史的滥觞。

    The city is also considered to be geographical center of China and the cradle of Chinese culture and history .

  14. 美国飞机并在中国领土内享有“非营业性降落之权”,即军事着陆权。

    U.S.Aircraft were also accorded the right of " non-traffic stop ", that is , of military landings on Chinese territory .

  15. 南沙群岛早已成为中国领土不可分割的组成部分,绝非“无主地”。

    Nansha Qundao has long been an integral part of China 's territory and is by no means " terra nullius . "

  16. 明天,日本选民将开始投票,他们面临着经济萧条和与中国领土争端的紧张局势。

    Japanese voters head to the polls tomorrow , they are facing a listless economy and a tense territorial dispute with China .

  17. 二战后,美日拿中国领土钓鱼岛私相授受是非法和无效的。

    After the World War II , America and Japan taken Chinese territory of the Diaoyu Island private deals are illegal and invalid .

  18. 菲律宾建立在非法侵占基础上的所谓“有效控制”,不能改变南沙群岛是中国领土的基本事实。

    This so-called " effective control " based on illegal seizure cannot change the basic fact that Nansha Qundao is China 's territory .

  19. 这是新华社报道这一事件以来马来西亚内阁官员首次出面置评,该事件也再次引起了外界对中国领土主张的猜测。

    This is the first comment from a Malaysian cabinet minister since the Xinhua report , which sparked renewed speculation about China 's territorial ambitions .

  20. 这个条件已因中国领土广大和敌人兵力不足,一般地提供于中国的游击战争了。

    By and large , the vastness of China 's territory and the enemy 's shortage of troops provide guerrilla warfare in China with this condition .

  21. 《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》等国际法律文件规定,日本必须无条件归还其窃取的中国领土。

    International legal documents such as the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation provide that Japan must unconditionally return the territories it has stolen from China .

  22. 自1997年7月开始,香港已成为中国领土的一部分,因此在香港进行的仲裁不应被视为外国仲裁。

    Since July 1997 , Hong Kong has been part of China and therefore arbitrations in Hong Kong ought not to be regarded as foreign arbitrations .

  23. 对中国领土完整的威胁一如过去发生的一样,不是来自大陆,而是来自于海上。在清朝时威胁第一次发自于南部沿海地区。

    The chief threat to china 's integrity did not come overland often in the past , but by sea , reaching the southern coastal area first .

  24. 他敦促日方以诚实的态度面对其军国主义的对外侵略历史,停止损害中国领土主权的行为。

    He urged the Japanese side to honestly face up to and reflect on its history of militarist aggression and stop infringing upon China 's territorial sovereignty .

  25. 日期为今年2月的两封电报显示,美国方面继续努力,争取中方阻止经由中国领土或涉及中国实体向伊朗运送武器部件。

    Two cables dated February this year document continued US efforts to get China to stop weapons component shipments to Iran through Chinese territory or involving Chinese entities .

  26. 他说,这是对中国领土主权的严重侵犯,中国政府已经进行严正交涉,强烈抗议日本方面的行为。

    He said it is a severe infringement upon China 's territorial sovereignty , and the Chinese government has lodged solemn representations and strong protests to the Japanese side .

  27. (战争的一部分在中国领土上展开)某场景的幻灯片。它显示了一群中国人正神情麻木地围观一位被日军视作俄国间谍的同胞被砍头的景象。后来鲁迅写道:

    It revealed a mob of Chinese watching dully , while one of their compatriots was beheaded by the Japanese as a Russian spy . Lu Xun later wrote :

  28. 毫无疑问,中国领土上有太多断层,这些地方随时会发生地震,预测太过遥远的地震显得很不实际。

    There is no doubt that earthquakes can occur anywhere along any of the numerous faults of China . To provide predictions too far into the future would be totally impractical .

  29. 日本帝国主义者在1937年7月发动全面侵华战争后,不仅霸占中国领土,掠夺中国资源,残杀中国人民,而且公然违背《日内瓦协定》在中国大肆进行细菌作战。

    The Sino-Japanese War intrigued by Japanese imperialists in 1937 in which Chinese territory was forcibly occupied , resources robbed and people massacred was in fact an overt violation of the Geneva Agreement .

  30. 作为中国领土一部分的香港并不是唯一正在寻求老龄化应对之策的地区,老龄化给日本、新加坡、韩国以及中国内地等亚洲地区的各国政府都造成了沉重负担。

    The Chinese territory is not alone in looking at ways to deal with a problem that is taxing governments across Asia from Japan to Singapore , South Korea and mainland China itself .