
  • 网络Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
  1. 1986年,菲律宾总统费迪南德·马科斯被赶下台后逃往了夏威夷。

    Ferdinand Marcos fled to Hawaii in 1986 after being deposed as president of the Philippines .

  2. 菲律宾总统格洛丽亚•阿罗约将是唯一一位与会的女性领导人,届时她会穿上V字领的绣有精美图案和花边的红色丝绸衬衫。

    Philippine 's President Gloria Arroyo will be the only female leader attending the summit meeting , who will wear delicate pattern and red silk shirt with V collar .

  3. 菲律宾总统洛丽亚马卡帕加尔阿罗约(gloriamacapagalarroyo)本周下调了石油进口关税,以安抚发出罢工威胁的运输工人。

    Gloria Macapagal Arroyo , the Philippines president , this week cut an oil import tariff to appease transport workers threatening a strike .

  4. 菲律宾总统贝尼尼奥阿基诺三世(benignoaquino)正在北京访问,此行的目的是修补对华关系,加强两国的经济联系。

    Benigno Aquino , President of the Philippines , is in Beijing on a mission to repair relations with China and boost economic ties .

  5. 菲律宾总统BenignoAquino高度评价周二美国在该地区的作用,称它确保了航行自由。

    The Philippine President Benigno Aquino spoke highly of the US role in the region on Tuesday , saying it ensures the freedom of navigation .

  6. 此次纠纷已迫使菲律宾总统格洛丽亚马卡帕加尔阿罗约(gloriamacapagalarroyo)暂停了此次交易,并成立了一个特别小组,审查所有由中国资助的项目。

    The dispute has already forced Gloria Macapagal Arroyo , the president , to suspend the deal and create a special panel to review all China-funded projects .

  7. 最近期的一个例子是在菲律宾总统大选中遥遥领先的罗德里戈·杜特地(RodrigoDuterte),他以不可阻挡的强硬政治作风和将会亲自射杀犯罪分子的热血誓言闻名。

    The latest example is Rodrigo Duterte , presumptive president-elect of the Philippines , known for stop-at-nothing political hardball and a vigilante vow to shoot criminals himself .

  8. 菲律宾总统阿基诺三世(BenignoAquinoIII)周日说,东萨马省遭破坏的椰子业将帮助解决住房挑战:当地已雇佣600人砍伐倒塌的椰子树,这些树木将被加工成木材,用于建造房屋。

    President Benigno Aquino III on Sunday said the devastated coconut industry in eastern Samar province will help solve the housing challenge : Six hundred people are being hired to cut toppled coconut trees and send the wood to be made into lumber to build homes .

  9. 菲律宾总统宣布这是一场国家民族面临的灾难。

    The president of the Philippines declared a state of national calamity .

  10. 菲律宾总统拉莫斯下榻白天鹅宾馆。

    Filipino President Fidel v.ramos staying at the hotel .

  11. 菲律宾总统下令撤出在伊拉克的菲律宾人

    Philippine President ordered evacuation of Filipinos from Iraq

  12. 菲律宾总统雅罗育正式兼掌外交部

    Philippine President Arroyo Officially Co-heads Foreign Ministry

  13. 菲律宾总统认为是美国引发了中东暴力

    Philippine president blames US forMiddle East violence

  14. (法新社马尼拉电)菲律宾总统雅罗育今天正式兼任外交部长职务。

    ( AFP , Manila ) Philippine President Arroyo today officially serves concurrently as foreign secretary .

  15. 菲律宾总统阿罗约说,她不谋求延长明年5月届满的总统任期。

    Philippine President Gloria Arroyo says she has no desire to extend her term past next May .

  16. 在这个问题上,我也不理解菲律宾总统昨天讲话是代表什么意思?

    On this issue , I do not understand what the speech of the Philippine President yesterday means .

  17. 菲律宾总统阿罗约当日发表声明,对上一年度本国经济增长率表示满意。

    President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo said in a statement that she was " delighted " with the growth figures .

  18. 菲律宾总统贪污税款,前可谓一大丑闻。

    The former president of the Philipines took tax money for his own use , it was such a scandal .

  19. 菲律宾总统阿罗约6月30日离任。目前,她的民意满意度降到了从1986年开始对总统的满意度实行民调以来的最低点。

    President Gloria Arroyo will leave office on June 30 with the lowest registered for a president since ratings were introduced in 1986 .

  20. 菲律宾总统宣布国家进入灾难状态,要求加快提供应急资金以帮助受灾民众。

    President of the Philippines has declared a state of national calamity there on for fast release of emergency funds to help victims .

  21. 问:据报道,菲律宾总统阿罗约近日签署涉及黄岩岛和南沙群岛的领海基线法案,中方对此有何评论?

    Q : Its reported that Philippine President Arroyo recently signed the Baselines Act involving Huangyan Island and Nansha Islands . Could you comment ?

  22. 今天,菲律宾总统贝尼尼奥·阿基诺视察一周多前遭遇台风“海燕”侵袭的地区,他表示,他不会离开。

    Phillipine president Benigno Aquino today visited some of the area 's devastated by typhoon Haiyan more than a week ago and he says he is not leaving .

  23. 美国官员说,菲律宾总统杜特尓特宣布与美国“分手”,但美国未收到马尼拉的正式通知。

    American officials say they have gotten no formal notice from Manila following Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte 's announcement of a " separation " from the United States .

  24. 这份令人蒙羞的名单包括菲律宾总统马科斯,扎伊尔总统蒙博托,尼日利亚总统阿巴查及海地的小医生杜瓦利埃。

    The roll of dishonor includes presidents Marcos of the Philippines , Mobutu of Zaire , Abacha of Nigeria , and " Baby Doc " Duvalier of Haiti .

  25. 菲律宾总统阿基诺的发言人说“在我们国拳的这场令人钦佩的比赛中,我们国家始终昂首挺胸。”

    Herminio Coloma , a spokesman for PresidentBenigno Aquino III , said " the country still holds its head high in theadmirable fight of our National Fist . "

  26. 这名渔民的家人以及台湾官员拒绝会晤奉派到台湾就这一事件道歉的菲律宾总统私人代表。

    The family of the fisherman and Taiwanese officials have refused to meet the Philippine president 's personal representative who was sent to Taiwan to apologize for the death .

  27. 菲律宾总统阿基诺星期二说,菲律宾的最新军舰将会被部署在菲律宾石油勘探船报告与中国发生冲突的几个区域,以保护菲律宾。

    Philippine President Benigno Aquino says the country 's newest warship will be deployed to protect the nation in areas where oil exploration vessels have reported run-ins with China .

  28. 目前已确认的死亡人数超过130人,但是菲律宾总统表示,一旦救援人员得以进入受灾严重的地区,死亡人数很可能会大幅增加。

    More than 130 people are confirmed dead , but Philippine president says the death toll is likely to be far higher once rescue crews can get into the badly damaged areas .

  29. 数日未露面的菲律宾总统埃斯特拉达,在星期三弹劾案开审前表示,他将把他的命运交给上帝及将会作出裁判的参议员。

    Philippine President Joseph Estrada , appearing in public on the eve of his impeachment trial , said on Wednesday he would leave his fate in the hands of God and the senators who judge him .

  30. 菲律宾前总统艾斯特拉达被指控犯有侵吞国家财产罪。

    The former president of the Philippines , Estrada , was charged with peculation .