
fēi lǜ bīn qún dǎo
  • Philippine Islands;Philippine Archipelago
  1. 昨夜日本部队袭击了菲律宾群岛。

    Last night , Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands .

  2. 1935年的这一天,罗斯福总统宣布菲律宾群岛独立成为联邦共和国。

    In 1935 , President Roosevelt proclaimed the Philippine Islands a free commonwealth .

  3. 西班牙将菲律宾群岛割让给美国。

    Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States .

  4. 当菲律宾群岛以东洋面上空的反气旋环流中心西移稳定至130°-145°E这一区域后,非绝热加热的垂直变化对该环流中心的维持及消亡起主要作用。

    After the anti-cyclonic center to the east of the Philippines moves to130 ° - 145 ° E , diabatic heating vertical change plays a major role in its maintenance .

  5. 菲律宾群岛中部的Visayan群岛之中的一个岛屿;因为优良海港而很重要。

    One of the Visayan islands of the central Philippines ; important for its fine harbor .

  6. 美国人向菲律宾群岛挺进的动向已经明确了。

    The American movement towards the Philippines began to be defined .

  7. 麦哲伦本人在菲律宾群岛被杀。

    Magellan himself had been killed in the Philippine Isles .

  8. 菲律宾群岛位于西太平洋。

    The Philippines are located in the west of the Pacific Ocean .

  9. 昨夜,日本军队进攻了菲律宾群岛。

    Last night , Japanese forces attacked the PHILLPPINE islands .

  10. 台风纳沙在菲律宾群岛造成至少35人死亡。

    The typhoon killed at least 35 in the Philippines .

  11. 菲律宾群岛在中国东南太平洋西部。

    The Philippines are in the western Pacific Ocean southeast of China .

  12. 新西兰大约和菲律宾群岛一样大。

    It is about the same size as the Philippines .

  13. 已经准备好向菲律宾群岛做最后的进发。

    Ready for the final push into the philippines .

  14. 在肆虐菲律宾群岛后它造成了无法挽救的损害。

    Left the path of destruction as it moved across the Philippine Islands .

  15. 日本在菲律宾群岛的北面。

    Japan lies to the north of Philippines .

  16. 菲律宾群岛中部的一群岛屿。

    Group of islands in the central Philippines .

  17. 当穿过菲律宾群岛时它造成了一条毁灭之路。

    It left the path of destruction as it moved across the Philippines Islands .

  18. 在菲律宾群岛,稻谷在很长一段时间里都充当货币;

    In the Philippine Islands , rice was used as money for a long time .

  19. 柯雷吉多尔岛:马尼拉湾入口处菲律宾群岛北部一个岛。

    Corregidor : an island of the northern Philippines at the entrance to Manila Bay .

  20. 热带气旋频数的分布大体以中国南海地区、菲律宾群岛以及马里亚纳群岛附近这3个密集区为中心,向各个方向呈辐射状减少;

    Tropical cyclones mainly occur in South Sea of China , Philippines and Marianas , then decrease radiantly ;

  21. 不仅这些,最令人神往的是,你可以享受到菲律宾群岛带给你的独占的暖和、热情与恬静。

    But , best of all , bask in the special warmth and comfort that is uniquely , wonderfully Filipino .

  22. 菲律宾群岛众多本土人的一个分支。菲律宾高级家政人员很敬业,不摆谱。

    A member of the most numerous indigenous people of the Philippines . High-level Philippine housekeepers are diligent and obedient .

  23. 16世纪菲律宾群岛的猎人们把木质圆片捆在一根长长的绳或线上。

    In the sixteenth century hunters in the Philippine Islands tied wooden disks together with a long piece of rope or twine .

  24. 16世纪天主教会对西班牙海外管辖权的争论&兼论菲律宾群岛的和平征服

    The Controversy within the Catholic Church on Spanish Jurisdiction of Overseas Colony and Non-Blood Conquest of the Philippines in the 16th Century

  25. 这名字中的“马尼拉”倒是说得过去,因为马尼拉麻主要产于菲律宾群岛,

    The " Manila " part of the name makes sense , because Manila hemp is produced chiefly in the Philippine Islands and ,

  26. 二战期间日军在菲律宾群岛的岛屿上包围美军;美军于1942年投降于1945年夺回领地。

    The peninsula and island in the Philippines where Japanese forces besieged American forces in World War ii ; us surrendered in1942 and recaptured the area in1945 .

  27. 金乌贼广泛分布于俄罗斯远东海海域,中国沿海,日本本州、四国、九州海域,朝鲜西海岸、南海岸海域,以及菲律宾群岛海域。

    Sepia esculenta ( Cephalopoda : Sepioidea ) is widely distributed in the sea areas of Russian Far East , China , Japan , Korea and Philippines .

  28. 这名字中的“马尼拉”倒是说得过去,因为马尼拉麻主要产于菲律宾群岛,当然,菲律宾的首都是马尼拉。

    The " Manila " part of the name makes sense , because Manila hemp is produced chiefly in the Philippine Islands and , of course , the capital city of the Philippines is Manila .

  29. 一位来自菲律宾群岛,爱笑又乐观的小伙子马文,站了起来并解说自己是如何在一年之内,不试图卖任何东西给任何人,结果卖出一亿五千万美元的豪华轿车。

    Marvin , a happy , broadly smiling fellow from the Philippines , gets up and explains that he sells $ 150 million worth of luxury cars a year by not trying to sell anything to anyone .

  30. 南海北靠中国大陆和台湾岛,南接加里曼丹岛和苏门答腊岛,东临菲律宾群岛,西接中南半岛和马来半岛。

    To its north are the mainland and Taiwan Dao of China , to its south Kalimantan Island and Sumatra Island , to its east the Philippine Islands , and to its west the Indo-China Peninsula and the Malay Peninsula .