
  • 网络security community;ASEAN Political-Security Community
  1. 安全共同体理论和东盟的实践

    The Theory of a Security Community and Its Practice in ASEAN

  2. 建构中的东盟安全共同体:一种建构主义的视角

    A Constructivist Analysis of the ASEAN Security Community under Construction

  3. 新区域主义:构建东亚安全共同体的新视角

    New Area Theory : the New Perspective of Constructing East Asia Security Community

  4. 政治安全共同体蓝图与东盟的外交协调

    Political-Security Community Blueprint and ASEAN 's Diplomacy Coordination

  5. 因此,这种情况需要合作,因而也有不小的可能建立一个安全共同体。

    Therefore cooperation is largely possible and a security community is more likely to establish .

  6. 这表明当前正在建构中的东盟安全共同体具有很强的现实性,其最终形成符合东盟的发展方向。

    The final formation of the ASEAN security community will conform to the direction of ASEAN 's development .

  7. 然而东盟的安全共同体建设并不是一帆风顺的,其面临着多方面的因素制约,包括内部制约因素、外部制约因素,还有机制上的制约因素等等。

    However , the ASEAN Security Community-building faces many constraints , including internal , external , mechanisms and so forth .

  8. 建构主义安全共同体理论是当前研究东盟发展问题的新兴理论。

    The theory of security community constructivism is a new theory applied in current researches in the development of ASEAN .

  9. 安全共同体的形成建立在成员国对观念与规范的集体认同基础之上。

    Formation of a security community is based on the consensus of member countries on a set of concepts and norms .

  10. 从霸权稳定论到安全共同体&东北亚安全合作架构新走向

    From the Theory of Hegemonic Stability to a Security Community : A New Trend in the Framework of Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia

  11. 文章试图从新区域主义的视角探讨建构东亚安全共同体的可行性。

    The paper attempts to explore the feasibility of constructing East Asia " security community " from the view of the new area theory .

  12. 因此,东亚国家认为,一个安全共同体可以依靠协商,对话和社会化所培养起来的相互信任而得以建立。

    Thus , East Asian countries believe that a security community could be developed through consultation , dialogue and socialization by cultivating mutual trusts .

  13. 北约从军事联盟向北约范围内的安全共同体的转变,有利于地区的安全和稳定。

    The transformation of NATO from a military ally to a security community within the scope of NATO is in the interest of regional stability and security .

  14. 双方各自应采取积极的应对措施,共同培育和构建东亚区域安全共同体,并建立危机处理的长效机制。

    Each of the parties should take positive measures to deal with common training and building the East Asian regional security community , and establish long-term mechanism for crisis management .

  15. 一方面,一体化可以从地区范围内的交流和互动、国家间的相互反应和个人的社会学习三个层面逐渐培养出导向安全共同体的制度、规范、认同和信任;

    Intra-regional communications and interactions , national responsiveness and individual learning could bring about the institutions , norms , identities and trusts which are necessary for the establishment of security community .

  16. 然而,由于东盟各国存在很多差异和矛盾,导致各国之间的协调与合作困难重重,建构安全共同体的前景不容乐观。

    However , as ASEAN countries have many differences and contradictions , they meet with lots of difficulties in their coordination and cooperation , and the prospect of constructing ASEAN Security Community is not optimistic .

  17. 走向安全共同体的道路有多种,但我们认为,只有地区一体化这种循序渐进的方式,才能为安全共同体奠定坚实的、不可逆转的政治、经济、社会和制度基础。

    There are several ways to establish security community , but it is only regional integration that developing step by step could lay down a solid and irreversible political , economic and social foundations for the establishment .

  18. 安全共同体作为一种安全合作新模式逐步被纳入东北亚各国的视野,能有效地弥补霸权稳定架构的缺陷,并在东北亚安全战略中发挥重要的作用和影响。

    As a new framework for security cooperation , the security community can effectively overcome the weakness of the framework of hegemonic stability and play an important role in the securi  ̄ ty strategy of Northeast Asia .

  19. 理论方面,本文以建构主义的共同体和平论和国际体系转换理论为依托,分析了安全共同体、国际体系以及集体认同三者的关系。

    In terms of theory , based on the theory of community peace and the theory of international system transformation , which are two important theories of constructivism , the treatise analyzes the relation among security community , international system and collective identity .

  20. 2003年10月,东盟各国领导人在第九次东盟首脑会议上宣布将在2020年前建成东盟安全共同体,这表明了东盟各国推动本地区在政治和安全领域向更高层次合作的意愿。

    In the ninth ASEAN Summit held in October 2003 , the leaders of ASEAN countries declared that ASEAN would establish " ASEAN Security Community " by 2020 . This decision indicates the will of ASEAN countries to promote their political and security cooperation to a higher level .

  21. 非传统安全与安全共同体的建构

    Non-Traditional Security and the Construction of a Security Community

  22. 联盟、制度化安全合作和安全共同体是新现实主义、新自由主义和建构主义从不同的理论视角出发,对国际安全合作所做的不同阐释。

    Alliance , international system and security community are the different comprehension to security cooperation in the main schools of western international relation theories .

  23. 通过对东盟的发展历程进行考察,我们发现,从东盟成立到创建东盟安全机制,再到东盟安全共同体的提出和建构,基本上都是沿着这三个过程进行的。

    By analyzing the history of ASEAN 's development , we find that ASEAN has passed through these three stages .

  24. 在新区域主义理念的指导下,有助于将带有冲突性质的国家间关系的安全复合体转变为具有合作性质的安全共同体。

    Guided by ideas of the new area theory , the conflicting " security compounding " of inter-country relationship will be helped to change into cooperating " security community " .

  25. 安全复合体理论是以区域安全相互依存为基本前提的安全共同体。

    Security Complex Theory postulates that contiguous areas are interdependent .

  26. 东北亚安全合作模式途径的选择,集体安全、共同安全、安全共同体、合作安全、多边安全机制。

    There are many pattern choices of security cooperation in Northeast Asia such as Collective security , Common security , Security community , Cooperative security , Multilateral security mechanism .

  27. 安全机制在东亚地区仍然处于发展中,但从长远来看,构建安全共同体是东亚安全合作的理想模式。

    But in the long run , constructing a security community in the East Asia is the ideal pattern in the East Asia security cooperation .

  28. 但东北亚不断变化的地区安全态势,使这一架构日益显现出局限性及不确定性,为东北亚建立安全共同体提供了现实的可能和契机。

    However , with the changing re  ̄ gional security situation , this framework began to have its limits and uncertainties , whereas there were opportunities to establish a Northeast Asian security community .

  29. 同时,非传统安全的特性和该领域的地区合作促使国家角色身份发生积极的转变,有助于集体认同的形成,使安全共同体的建构成为可能。

    Meanwhile , the special characteristics of non-traditional security and the increasing regional cooperation have brought about a positive transformation in the role of state identity , which helps form a collective identity and construct a possible security community .