
  • 网络central Siberia
  1. 维尔霍扬斯克山脉和切尔斯基岭坐落在中西伯利亚高原的东部。

    The Verkhoyansk and Chersky Ranges lie to the east of the Central Siberian Plateau .

  2. 在西部地区,乌拉尔山脉的西侧为东欧平原,东侧为西西伯利亚平原和中西伯利亚高原。陆栖的西伯利亚花鼠。

    The lowland is divided by the Ural Mountain into the East European Plain to the west and the West Siberian Plain and Central Siberian Plateau to the east .

  3. 该图是游览山山东荣成野生动物园时,一名游客拍下的可怕瞬间。图中三只西伯利亚虎正在残杀一只孟加拉虎幼崽。

    The shocking photos of Siberian tigers eating a rare white Bengal cub were taken by visitors touring the wildlife park in Rongcheng , Shandong province .

  4. 随着能源竞争的上升,双方在能源领域内不仅缺乏合作,而且正在形成新的能源冲突如中日关于西伯利亚油气管道之争。

    There is short of cooperation between the two parties , and new energy conflict is emerging , such as the competition on Siberian oil pipeline .

  5. 通过这个研究,我们相信在当面这个情况中,跨西伯利亚贸易通道是具有特殊的重要地位的,并且,在这个研究中,我们还会阐述一些有关贸易通道的运输方面的问题。

    Through this study , we identified Trans-Siberian trade corridor and current situation that we believe to be of particular importance and clarified traffic problems in trade corridor .