
  • 网络All in;omnipresence;omnipresent
  1. 你是全能,全知,全在地上帝。

    You are omnipotent ; you are omniscient ; you are omnipresent .

  2. 他只是努力表现得好而已,他的坏劲儿全在内心深处藏着呐。

    He was just being good while his badness grew inside him .

  3. 在这个季节里,我们队里只有一名好投手,胜败如何,全在他一人手里了。

    With only one good pitcher this season , I 'm afraid we have all our eggs in one basket .

  4. 该事务将具有原子性、一致性、并与ACID的ACI隔离(由于全在内存中,因此不具有持久性)。

    The transaction will be atomic , consistent , and isolated & the ACI of ACID ( no durability , since this is all in memory ) .

  5. 胜利来临,全在耐心。

    Patience is the knot which secures the seam of victory .

  6. 多少帝国兴衰事,全在时光流逝中。

    In the course of time many empires have risen and fallen .

  7. 她有的那些朋友全在国外。

    What friends she has are out of the country .

  8. 从全在到不在&论美国文学中上帝形象的变迁

    On the Change of the God Image in American Literature

  9. 大家全在缪尚咖啡馆里举行秘密会议。

    All were present at a secret meeting at the Cafe Musain .

  10. 他全在小条纸上用手写。

    It 's all handwritten on little bits of paper .

  11. 我们所谓的自然,全在我们身外。

    What we call Nature , all outside ourselves .

  12. 瞧你说什么呢,咱们这不就全在嘛。

    What are you talking about ? We 're all together right now .

  13. 上帝是基督教神学最重要的观念,在基督教信仰中,上帝具有全能的智慧,全在全知;

    God is the most important concept in Christian theology who , according to Christianity , is omnipotent , omnipresent and omniscient ;

  14. 全在山顶的觅食时间占总时间的24.71%,在山腰占66.35%,在山脚占8.94%。

    The feeding utilization on top of the hill accounted for 24.71 % , 66.35 % on middle 8.94 % at bottom .

  15. 它是一种B/S体系结构,系统安装、修改和维护全在服务器端进行,容易实现系统的自动升级,有助于实现动态的应用集成。

    It is Browser / Server , installation , modification and maintenance of system is executed in server , system is updated automatically easily . The architecture helps to implement dynamic application integration .

  16. 本文给出了一种判定多项式根是否全在单位圆内的简便方法,该方法可用于判定离散控制系统的稳定性和求多项式的全部根。

    In this paper , a simple method for determining all roots of a complex polynomial are inside the unit circle is presented . The method is used to determine stability of discrete control system and find all roots of a polynomial .

  17. 可是,黎明踏浪号已经安然脱身,顶着轻风航行,大家全在甲板上躺着、坐着,喘气的喘气,呻吟的呻吟,过了一会儿才能开口谈论、取笑这事。

    But the Dawn Treader was already well away , running before a fresh breeze , and the men lay and sat panting and groaning all about the deck , till presently they were able to talk about it , and then to laugh about it .

  18. 她把包里的东西全倒在了桌子上。

    She emptied the contents of her bag onto the table .

  19. 我把赢了的钱全压在最后一场赛马上了。

    I gambled all my winnings on the last race .

  20. 他的搭档走了以后,工作现在全落在他的身上。

    With his partner away , all the work now fell to him .

  21. 通常在这种时候,我们的心思全放在了圣诞节上。

    Usually at this time our thoughts are on Christmas

  22. 教皇称1991年全世界在争取和平方面有所进展。

    The Pope said the world had made some progress towards peace in 1991

  23. 初为人母者很容易把心思全放在婴儿身上而浑然不觉。

    New mothers can get very wrapped up in their baby without realising it .

  24. 因孩子被绑架所受的万分折磨全写在她脸上。

    The torment of having her baby kidnapped is written all over her face .

  25. 全世界在那一刻静止了。

    The whole world stood still right at that moment .

  26. 嫌疑全落在[集中在]这个仆人身上。

    The entire suspicion fell upon the servant .

  27. 现代工业全集中在有限的几个市中心。

    Modern industry has been concentrated in a few urban centres .

  28. 全网在实验环网通讯控制程序(ELNCP)的管理下运行,具有网上硬资源共享和网上部分软资源共享的功能。

    The whole network is operated under the management of an experimental loop network communication control program ( ELNCP ) with the function of shared hardware resource and partially shared software resource .

  29. 经腹全胃切除术在晚期胃癌治疗中的应用体会

    Experience of abdominal total gastrectomy in curing the late gastric cancer

  30. 腹腔镜辅助结肠次全切除在重度功能性便秘治疗中的应用

    Laparoscopic-Assisted Subtotal Colectomy in the Treatment of Severe Functional Constipation