
  • the PLa Navy;PLAN
  1. 091型潜艇(北约代号汉级潜艇)是中国人民解放军海军的第一代核动力攻击潜艇(SSN),共制造了5艘,全配备于青岛北海舰队。

    Type 091 Han Class ( SSN ) submarines are first - generation nuclear-powered submarines of Chinese navy . All five units of this class were deployed with the North Sea Fleet of Qingdao .

  2. 来自河南的宁泽涛曾是河南省游泳队的一员,2007年,他加入了中国人民解放军海军游泳队。

    From Henan province , he moved to the swimming team of the People 's Liberation Navy from his provincial swimming team in 2007 .

  3. 《红海行动》的故事改编自2015年的一次撤离行动,当时中国人民解放军海军向饱受战争蹂躏的也门派遣了一艘军舰,并重新安置了近600名中国公民。

    The story of " Operation Red Sea " was adapted from an evacuation operation carried out in 2015 , when the People 's Liberation Army Navy sent a warship to war-battered Yemen and relocated nearly 600 Chinese citizens .