
  • 网络field investigation;field research;field work;field study
  1. 本文主要运用了田野调查法、访谈法,以兴隆村舞龙民俗的文化活动为考察对象,从兴隆村的舞龙活动出发,描述了兴隆村舞龙民俗的文化传承与变异过程。

    This paper mainly uses the field work and interview methods , taking Xing long dragon dance as the study object . From Xing long dragon dance , a description about Xing long dragon dance is given , especially its culture inheritance and variation process .

  2. 田野调查法在民族地区领导工作中的运用

    Application Field Investigation Method in Leaders Works of Minorities Region

  3. 调查方法是田野调查法。

    The research method is field investigation .

  4. 接着陈述论文研究方法:本文采用社会学的个案研究法与田野调查法;

    Next , the paper states its research methods which are case study and field survey .

  5. 文章运用田野调查法、访谈法、文献资料法等研究方法,对王郭铁棍的发展进行了分析研究。

    With the method of field investigation , expert interview and literature , th paper analyzes the development process of Wangguo Iron Stick movement .

  6. 运用田野调查法和比较法两种基本方法,从声母、韵母、声调三个方面介绍了湖南赣语的语音面貌。

    In the way of using the two basic study methods : fieldwork and comparision , this paper describes the Phonological visage of Gan dialect in Hunan from the following three aspects such as onset , rime and tone .

  7. 本文采用了质性研究法,主要运用了文献资料法和田野调查法,研究资料主要来自对四川凉山彝族自治州普格县螺髻山镇火把节节庆体育的实地考察。

    This paper used the qualitative research method , the main use a literature material method and the investigation method , and the material mainly from liangshan yi autonomous prefecture of sichuan PuGe county LuoJi , torch festival sports field trip .

  8. 本文采用文献收集法、比较分析法、田野调查法、归纳演绎法等研究方法,对旅游目的地型森林公园经营管理问题进行了深入、系统的研究。

    The paper adopts methods of literature collection , comparison and analysis , interview and field investigation , in addition to induction and deductive method , making deep and systematic study to the operation and administration issues of tourism destination-type forest park .

  9. 采用田野调查法、文献法等研究方法,对川西民间家具品系、技术特征和装饰特征进行了研究。

    The categories , technical features and decorative features of western Sichuan folk furniture were analyzed and discussed by documentary research and field survey method , which was based on the investigation of western Sichuan folk furniture used by Han nationality people .

  10. 采用田野调查法、数理统计法、文献资料调研等,对三峡库区120.5万移民中乡村移民生活消费结构水平、体育意识、体育消费结构及其影响因素等进行系统研究。

    By using the method of investigation , mathematical statistics and documentary investigation , this paper makes overall research on living consumption structure level , sports consciousness , sports consumption structure and influencing factors of 1.205 billon emigrants in three gorges area .

  11. 《额尔顿陶克陶及其编辑出版活动之探析》中,运用田野调查法收集有关额尔敦陶克陶的第一手资料,勾勒出额尔顿陶克陶的生、平。

    In " Research on E Er Dun Tao Ke Tao and his editing and publishing activity " first of all , by using the method of survey to collect the first-hand information to discuss life of E Er Dun Tao Ke Tao .

  12. 本研究采用文献资料法、田野调查法等研究方法,以恩施土家族苗族自治州(以下简称恩施州)为样本,着眼于民族地区社会的整体发展,对民族地区农村土地流转问题进行了探讨。

    This paper , taking Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture ( hereinafter referred to as Enshi Prefecture ) as an example , studies the land transfer in regions inhabited by ethnic groups , focusing on the development of ethnic minority community with materials and investigations .

  13. 另外,我还采用了一些民族学的文献研究法和社会调查(田野调查)法。

    Furthermore , I also adopted the method of documentation and the method of social investigation ( field work ) of ethnology .

  14. 文章在对乡村旅游研究述评的基础上,采用田野调查和统计分析法,以西南农家旅游的典型&成都市为例,分析了影响城市郊区乡村旅游的人文因素、资源因素、管理因素。

    Based on field survey , this thesis , taking Chengdu as an example , analyzes the key factors affecting development of rural tourism systematically .