
  • 网络Fieldwork;Field research;field work;field survey;field study
  1. 诚如您必须进行田野调查暨撰写民族志,我们将涉猎田野调查研究,以及田野调查暨写作理论。

    We will , as you must in doing fieldwork and writing ethnographies , intersperse reading with fieldwork to theoretically inform both the fieldwork and the writing .

  2. 本文以田野调查获得的材料为基础,辅以历史文献,采用认同理论,运用参与观察法、访谈法、文献法、比较分析法等人类学常用的方法,探讨东兴镇散居归侨的地域认同。

    On the basis of the materials from fieldwork , Supplemented by historical documents , this thesis adopts identity theory and anthropological research methods to discuss the region identity of the returned overseas Chinese Diasporas lived in Dongxing town .

  3. 本研究采用叙事研究的方法选择两所学校进行田野调查,一所是广西桂林市的Z中学,另一所则是福建泉州市的X中学。

    This study adopts narrative research methods and chooses two school fieldwork , one is a Z school in Guilin of Guangxi province , another is a X middle school in Fujian of Quanzhou province .

  4. 1933年,人类学家玛格丽特·米德(MargaretMead)与第二任丈夫到新几内亚的塞皮克河做田野调查;

    In 1933 , the anthropologist Margaret Mead took a field trip to the Sepik River in New Guinea with her second husband ;

  5. 本文通过田野调查的方式,选取安徽省的Z村和甘肃省的G村为个案,对村庄中的大众媒介进行研究。

    In this article it is as well in the way of field work that mass media in villages get studied , taking the village Z in An ' hui Province and the village G in Gansu Province as cases .

  6. 第一章为绪论,阐明了本文的术语体系、理论方法、学术意义,介绍了为此研究所做的田野调查和资料搜集工作,并回顾了国内外关于跨国族群和Hmong人的研究状况。

    My dissertation consists of 7 chapters : Chapter one is an introduction , which discusses the basic terminology , theories , methodology , fieldwork , academic values of this dissertation , and the current studies situation of this subject at home and abroad .

  7. 乡村社会的宗教、实践及其变迁&对赣中S村宗教状况的田野调查

    Religion , Practice and Change of Religion in the Rural Society

  8. 田野调查与历史研究&以中国史研究为中心

    Field Investigation and History Research : Focused on China History Research

  9. 我在那儿做过好几次田野调查。

    I did field research up there a couple of winters .

  10. 第二部分详细描述了田野调查点鹤峰屏山的一些基本情况。

    The second part describes some detail information in Pingshan community .

  11. 为微型语料库标记词类使用田野调查人员记录及基于转换的自动学习

    POS-Tagger for Tiny Corpus Using Fieldwork Notations and Transformation-Based Learning

  12. 鄂温克旗布里亚特蒙古族民歌田野调查

    Field Research of Mongolian Buryat Folk Songs in Ewenki Banner

  13. 本文将田野调查研究与文献资料研究方法相结合。

    Field study and literature study methods are used in this thesis .

  14. 而这些问题的发现,使笔者意识到把贫困拉祜族地区成人扫盲教育作为研究个案是可行的,也是必要的。论文第一章介绍了田野调查的个案背景、基本情况以及所取得的调查结果。

    Chapter One reports the fieldwork in remote and poverty Lahu areas .

  15. 提出田野调查笔记、谈内容之誊写以供课堂讨论。

    Submit field notes and transcribed interviews for class discussion .

  16. 我好像在做田野调查

    It 's like I 'm working in the field .

  17. 田野调查法在民族地区领导工作中的运用

    Application Field Investigation Method in Leaders Works of Minorities Region

  18. 因此,开展生态人类学的田野调查不仅十分重要,而且也非常必要。

    Therefore , field investigation is not only important but also necessary .

  19. 对民族档案编研中田野调查的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on Field Investigation in Editing and Researching on Ethnic Archives

  20. 文·文章·文学田野调查和文本写作例评

    Writing , Text and Literature Fieldwork and Text Writing

  21. 广东小金口麒麟舞的田野调查与研究

    The Field Research and Investigation for the Guangdong Xiao Jin Kou Kylin Dance

  22. 专题研究与田野调查&少数民族体育研究的途径

    Specific Study and Field Investigation a Gateway to the Research of Minority Sports

  23. 当代东北民间跳大神的田野调查及思考

    Field Study and Implication on the Folk Dances to God of the Northeast

  24. 人类学本土化与田野调查&元江调查四人谈

    Nativistic Anthropology and Fieldwork & Four Scholars Talk about the Investigations in Yuanjiang

  25. 研究方法上主要采用了人类学田野调查的方法,并结合了文献研究。

    Methodologically speaking , I mainly adopt fieldwork survey combined with literature research .

  26. 田野调查对人类学研究的价值与意义

    The Value and the Significance of Fieldwork to Anthropology

  27. 一份关于土家族丧葬习俗的田野调查

    A Field Report of Tujia People 's Funeral Tradition

  28. 论田野调查在民族传统体育研究中的应用

    Application of Field Work in National Traditional Sport Research

  29. 大学生干部思想道德素质的田野调查

    The Field Survey on College Students Cadres in the Ideological and Ethical Standards

  30. 影响群体合作的因素:实验和田野调查的最新证据

    Factors influencing group cooperation : the latest evidence from experiments and field study