
tǒnɡ jì tú
  • statistical chart/table/etc.
  1. 动态统计图在Web的实现

    TRENDS Implement of dynamic statistical graphics in Web

  2. WEB系统中统计图绘制研究

    Research on Drawing Statistical Graph in Web System

  3. NET与Oracle数据库,举例阐述了统计图实现的关键技术和具体步骤,该技术在军队油库信息可视化研究与应用项目中得到很好应用。

    NET and Oracle database . These technologies have been well applied in the research application of visualization for military oil depot .

  4. 样本值统计图的ActiveX实现

    The Implementation of ActiveX in Sample statistic Diagram

  5. SVG动态矢量统计图中间件研究

    Mid-ware of SVG Dynamic Statistical Vectorgraph Research

  6. CruiseControlWeb应用程序可以绘制重要的构建统计图,例如成功构建与失败构建的比例。

    The CruiseControl Web application can draw graphs of important build statistics , such as the ratio of successful builds to failed builds .

  7. NOAA卫星图像云点检测的三维统计图集合判别

    A method for detecting cloud pixels on NOAA-AVHRR image using three-dimension statistic graph and set discrimination

  8. 数据分析的结果前端展现能以统计图或报表形式输出,并能够打印和以BMP格式保存。

    And results of data analysis can be presented in forms of statistical charts or be saved as a BMP chart and printed .

  9. 分析结果以统计图等形式展示,同时可以将分析结果保存为BMP格式的图片或导出为Excel格式的文件。

    The result is displayed in terms of statistical chart , and the result can be saved as a BMP chart or exported as a excel file .

  10. OWC组件绘制各类统计图方法的研究

    Study Drawing on OWC components of statistical figure

  11. 简要介绍了GDI+,提出了在Web系统中利用GDI+实现统计图绘制的思路,并结合Visualc。

    This paper presents a brief introduction of GDI + , brings forward a practical way to drawing statistical graph with GDI + in Web application , and gives an example to show the key technology about drawing statistical graph which combines Visual C # .

  12. 同时根据有限元变形图和数据统计图,并结合Irwin解析裂纹封闭积分公式对结果加以分析。

    Combining with finite element charts and statistical data , and Irwin analyzed crack closed integral formula is used to analyze the results .

  13. 封装applet程序的class文件,通过在html页面中预留特定参数的接口,当从客户端接收到参数时,运行于兼容Java的Web环境或者JavaPlug-in中的applet将随时生成对应数据参数的统计图。

    Pack the interrelated class documents and set the specifically interfaces in the html pages , the applet progresses running under the circumstances of Web compatible to Java or the Java Plug-in will produce the corresponding Statistical-graphs simultaneously when received parameters from the client end .

  14. 首先介绍了医学数字成像标准(DICOM)及其文件格式,在此基础上使用灰度值统计图和灰度值直方图技术,对原木轴间断层扫描图像进行了分析。

    Standard and file format of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine ( DICOM ) is introduced first , then analyzes log computerized axial tomography based on technology of gray scale statistics and gray scale histograms .

  15. 研究了设备管理系统中的关键技术,详细说明了设备和备件的编码技术、信息实时反馈技术、查询统计图生成技术等技术的实现方法,并将PDCA循环与设备管理有机地结合到一起。

    This work also studied the key technologies in the equipment management system , elaborated the equipments and parts with their technologies including coding , real-time information feedback , statistical inquiry plots generating and so on . The PDCA circulation and equipment management were organically integrated together .

  16. 哪个条形统计图代表这些交通工具的速度?

    Which bar chart represents the average speed of the vehicles ?

  17. 基于多元统计图的信息融合方法及应用研究

    Information fusion method and application study according to statistical chart

  18. 年龄对统计图理解能力的影响

    The Impacts on Comprehension Capability of Statistical Graph about Age

  19. 下列哪个条形统计图说明上述资料?

    Which of the following bar charts shows this information ?

  20. 动态统计图控件的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Statistical Chart Control

  21. 哈佛图形在绘制医院统计图中的应用

    Utilization of Harvard Graphics in Drawing Hospital Statistical Graphs

  22. 得出的结果统计图显示两者成正相关关系。

    The resulting graph shows a very strong and statistically significant positive correlation .

  23. 现利用美国哈佛图形软件绘制医院统计图,取得了较好的效果,在医学领域中应用计算机绘图软件绘制医院统计图做了一点尝试。

    It is a try at using computer software to draw hospital statistical graphs .

  24. 土壤背景值图是采用分级统计图的形式。

    The soil background content map is in statistic form and divided into grades ;

  25. 定义如下的功能与统计图

    Defining functions and accounting figures like the following

  26. 统计图理解能力的调查研究

    A Survey on Comprehension Capability of Middle School Students in terms of Statistical Graph

  27. 这时可以使用相互作用图,统计图和线程分析工具来发现问题所在。

    Use interaction diagrams , statistical views , and thread analysis tools to find the problem .

  28. 在前言中,两位编者提供了电子存贮程序段的统计图。

    In the introduction the two compliers provide a statistical profile of this segment of the electronic memory .

  29. 他们利用一些图表和统计图来解释的市场情况和市场趋势。

    They employed a number of charts , and diagrams to explain the market situations and market trends .

  30. 通过调查,了解到不同年级的学生对统计图理解能力的差异,发现学生随着年龄的增长理解统计图的能力水平在增加。

    Through the survey , it indicates that the capability and level of students ' comprehension age progresses .