
xiàng mù
  • project;item;listings;article;undertaking;clause;subject of entry
项目 [xiàng mù]
  • [item] 事物按性质分成的类

  • 首先兴办关键性的建设项目

项目[xiàng mù]
  1. 邀请学生们采用特定的技术自己去测试每个项目。

    The student is invited to test each item for himself by means of specific techniques .

  2. 他完成了那项革新项目之后,又向更高目标努力,正在搞整个生产线的自动化。

    He 's already finished with that item of innovation and is now flying at higher game , the automation of the whole production line .

  3. 该项目已让我们投入了相当多的时间和精力。

    The project has demanded considerable investment of time and effort .

  4. 他的评论被误解为对这个项目的批评。

    His comments were misinterpreted as a criticism of the project .

  5. 他们威胁要一下子砍掉整个项目。

    They threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke .

  6. 价格取决于你挑选额外收费项目的多少。

    The price is dependent on how many extras you choose .

  7. 这个研究项目对400名毕业生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查。

    The research project involves tracking the careers of 400 graduates .

  8. 这个项目需要筹集800万英镑的资助。

    The project needs to raise £ 8 million in sponsorship .

  9. 我们热火朝天地同时上马了几个项目。

    We have several projects all on the boil at once .

  10. 他们曾密切合作,共同规划这一项目。

    They had cooperated closely in the planning of the project .

  11. 他们决定试探一下她对那个项目的兴趣。

    They decided to sound out her interest in the project .

  12. 这次谈话激起了她对这个项目的热情。

    The talk had fired her with enthusiasm for the project .

  13. 这个项目因缺乏资金已经撤销。

    The project has been cancelled because of lack of funds .

  14. 这个项目的资金将由地方政府提供。

    Money for the project will be channelled through local government .

  15. 他们不想在这个项目上再增加投资。

    They are unwilling to invest any more money in the project .

  16. 如果缺少恰当的后续行动,该项目可能失败。

    The project could fail if there is inadequate follow-through .

  17. 我们只不过是以顾问身份参与这个项目。

    We are simply involved in an advisory capacity on the project .

  18. 没有政府专款,这样的项目在资金上是不可行的。

    Such projects are not financially viable without government funding .

  19. 他提出理由说明他们需要更多的时间来完成该项目。

    He argued that they needed more time to finish the project .

  20. 任何挫折都不能减弱他对这个项目的热情。

    None of the setbacks could dampen his enthusiasm for the project .

  21. 市政会在住宅项目上投入了大量资金。

    The council has committed large amounts of money to housing projects .

  22. 我们每周都腾出时间开一次项目会议。

    We freed time each week for a project meeting .

  23. 我们需要一位富有魅力的人来主持这个项目。

    We need someone with lots of personality to head the project .

  24. 她正设法尽快为这个项目筹集一些资金。

    She 's trying to rustle up some funding for the project .

  25. 她必须就这个项目写一份报告。

    She had to write a report on the project .

  26. 其他盈利较少的服务项目预定今年稍晚将大量削减。

    Other less profitable services are to be axed later this year .

  27. 关于这个项目的费用,他们面临着咄咄逼人的盘问。

    They faced some hostile questioning over the cost of the project .

  28. 这个建筑项目将由政府出资。

    The building project will be financed by the government .

  29. 这个项目因意外情况而拖延了。

    The project was running late owing to unforeseen circumstances .

  30. 检查一下保险单上不包括的项目。

    Check the list of exclusions in the insurance policy .