
yù fù fèi yonɡ
  • Prepaid expenses;advance charges
  1. 基于GPRS预付费用电管理系统的分析与设计

    Design and Analysis of Prepaying Electricity Management System Based on GPRS

  2. Bazaarvoice称,获得新客户的预付费用,加之收入要延期入账,导致了负的现金流。

    Bazaarvoice says the upfront costs of acquiring new clients , coupled with the recording of revenue over an extended period , caused the negative cash flow .

  3. 花你今天收到了支付预付费用。

    The flowers you received today were paid for in advance .

  4. 基于以太网的预付费用电控制管理系统

    A Prepaid Control and Management System for Power Consuming Based on Ethernet

  5. 世卫组织建议统筹资金和预付费用,例如采用保险方案。

    WHO recommends financial pooling and pre-payment , such as insurance schemes .

  6. 我们分摊预付费用的成本时,需要编制调整分录。

    We need to adjust entries when we apportion the costs of prepaid expenses .

  7. 预付费用增加额或减少额

    Increase or Decrease in Prepaid Expenses

  8. 系统建成后,先把原智能网预付费用户割接到在线计费系统中。

    After completion of the system , first the original cutting intelligent network prepaid users receive online billing system .

  9. 实际上,有些企业的存货周转率是很慢的,而且预付费用甚至是不能转化为现金的。

    Actually , in some firms , inventories ' turnover is slow , and prepaid expenses can 't even turn to cash .

  10. 例如,应收账款、存货、预付费用等流动资产的减少额要加到净收益上。

    For instance , the decrease of current assets such as accounts receivable , inventory , prepaid expenses are added to net income .

  11. 融资与刑罚预付费用及关闭它是搞清楚回收期会、医师顿河。

    Refinancing with a prepayment penalty Treat it like a closing cost and figure out what the payback period would be , says Dr.

  12. 除了现金,典型的流动资产还包括短期投资,包括可交易证券、收票据、收账款、货和预付费用。

    In addition to cash , current assets typically include temporary investments in marketable securities , notes receivable , accounts receivable , merchandise inventory and prepaid expense .

  13. 像预付费用这样的资产,其产生的未来经济利益是收取商品或劳务而不是收取现金或另一金融资产的权利,因而不是金融资产。

    Prepaid expenses such as assets , its the future economic benefits of receiving goods or services instead of cash or other financial assets right so it is not financial assets .

  14. 有价卡资源管理:是用户通过向通讯运营商预付费用,而获得的在一定时间内有权使用某种通信业务的凭证。

    Marketable card resource management : is the user through communication operators to acquire prepaid expenses , in a certain period shall have the right to use some kind of communications business certificate .

  15. 为解决现有用电控制箱告警声单一、易误触发、无手动复位等问题,设计了预付费用电控制箱语音告警器。

    To solve the problems of existing electric control box , such as single alarm voice , easy to trigger and no hand reset , voice alarm of pre-pay electric control box was designed .

  16. 预付费用包括预付薪资、租金、保险费、用品盘存、所得税及其他预付费用等,能在一年或一营业周期内消耗者。

    Consisting of prepaid payroll , prepaid rent , prepaid insurance , office supplies , prepaid income tax , and other prepaid expense that are expected to be consumed within one year or one operating cycle .

  17. 但是因为我们似乎是要解决一个提醒机制,所以预付费用的人应该定期接到通知,提醒他们上个月花了多少钱,鼓励他们充分利用他们的健身卡。

    But since we seem to be dealing with a remindermechanism , up-front payers could be sent a regular reminder of whatthe lastmonth has , in effect , cost them and encouraging them tomake fulluse of their mrship .

  18. Bob提到Azure的一大好处是其24/7运行而且可靠,另外也不需要为构建自己的数据中心预付什么费用。

    A major benefit touted by Bob was Azure is24 / 7 uptime and reliability without the upfront costs associated with building your own data center .

  19. 按病种定额预付医疗费用的研究;

    Research on advance payment of medical cost by categorizing cases ;

  20. 我的旅行社交给我这张预付旅馆费用的收据。

    My travel agent issued me this hotel voucher .

  21. 发件人预付回复费用的。

    With cost of reply prepaid by sender .

  22. 电报已发出并已预付覆电费用。

    The telegram was sent reply prepaid .

  23. 就我理解,到岸价是指卖方负责预付运输费用和上保险。

    My understanding is that CIF means the seller is responsible for prepaying shipping costs and arranging for the insurance policy .

  24. 这些函件亦声称,收件人须预付该费用以取得金管局的证明书,才可令款项转帐至收件人。

    These letters alleged that the advance fee was required for obtaining a certificate from the HKMA in order to effect the fund transfer to the recipient .

  25. 公司要求客户预付一大笔费用。

    The company required clients to pay substantial fees in advance .

  26. 她希望对方预付一半的费用。

    She wants half her fee up font .

  27. 正如我的预料,要想接收卫星广播信号,就得预付一部分费用。

    As expected , there 's an upfront cost to obtain a receiver that can de-scramble the satellite signal .

  28. 究竟是应该让用户先预付一笔费用,还是让用户一开始免费玩游戏,随后花钱够买额外的功能呢?

    Should users pay up a fee upfront , or pay nothing initially but cough up money later for extra features ?

  29. 本条款之任何规定不得限制承运人提出支付预付费或费用担保之要求。

    Nothing in this section shall limit the right of the carrier to require the prepayment or guarantee of the charges .

  30. 我向学校请求预付我的旅行费用。

    I asked the school to advance the funds for my trip .