
lǐnɡ tǔ ɡē rànɡ
  • territorial cession;cession of territory
  1. 对一个领土割让来说,主要领权之军事政府并非因为和平条约生效而结束,而是此军事政府会一直持续到有法律效力之替代方案实施为止。

    For a territorial cession , the military government of the principal occupying power does not end with the coming into force of the peace treaty , but continues until legally supplanted .

  2. 占败国把一部分领土割让给敌人。

    The defeated nation conceded some of their hand to the enemy .

  3. 战败的一方不得不把一部分领土割让给了敌人。

    The defeated side had to concede some of their territory to the enemy .

  4. 把领土割让给邻国。

    Cede territory to a neighbouring state .

  5. 法国把那块领土割让给他们。

    France ceded the territory to them .

  6. 星期三,美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿指责巴基斯坦政府把越来越多的领土割让给塔利班。

    On Wednesday , Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused the Pakistani government of ceding more and more territory to the Taliban .

  7. 美国,由于没有获得任何领土割让,于1899年宣布在中国实行“门户开放”政策,通过这些政策,所有外国列强都在他们势力范围内外的通商口岸获得了平等的义务和特权。

    The United States , which had not acquired any territorial cessions , proposed in 1899 that there be an " open door " policy in China , whereby all foreign countries would have equal duties and privileges in all treaty ports within and outside the various spheres of influence .