
  1. 他应该展示领导权威了。

    It is time he showed some leadership .

  2. 从交易契约到个人信誉&关于企业领导权威的理论探讨

    From Transaction Contract to Personal Reputation : A Theoretical Research on Firm Leader Authority

  3. 论党的领导权威在农村基层群众自治中的功能

    On the Function of the Party 's Leadership Authority in the Rural Grass-roots Mass Autonomy

  4. 企业领导权威的理论分析模型

    The Theoretic Model of Corporate Leader Authority

  5. 不过,卡梅伦特别显示出领导权威的是在经济方面。

    But it was on the economic front that Cameron especially showed muscle to charge ahead .

  6. 每一节是最后一章的评注的领导权威之一在外地。

    Each section is concluded by a commentary chapter by one of the leading authorities in the field .

  7. 格里费斯的作品的范围意味着每一个学生都可以成为格里费斯某一篇作品的世界级领导权威。

    The range of Griffith 's work meant that each student could become the world 's leading authority on a particular Griffith text .

  8. 应把经济学分析与社会学和行为科学分析结合起来,建立企业领导权威的跨学科理论解释模型。

    We should combine the economic analysis with sociology and behavior analysis , and establish a cross disciplinary explanation model about the firm leader authority .

  9. 优秀的领导者都懂得谦逊,不会让自己的领导权威让他人感到自己高人一等。

    Great leaders are humble . They don 't allow their position of authority to make them feel that they are better than anyone else .

  10. 本篇文章通过权与威的关系、如何加强权威和加强权威的意义论述了党的领导权威的重要性。

    The paper talks the importance of leading authority , based on the relation between power and authority , how to strengthen authority and the meaning .

  11. 年级组长和学科组长的领导权威主要来自科层组织,领袖教师则依靠专业权威和道德权威达成领导功能。

    The leading power of grade leaders and subject leaders comes mainly from hierarchy organizations while leading teachers mainly depend on their professional and moral powers .

  12. 这是有效解决中国社会现代化历史前提、建立强有力的现代化领导权威、化被动现代化为主动现代化的最佳实现途径;

    Which is the effective path for us to solve the historical premise of Chinese social modernization , building up the powerful modernization leadership authority and turning the passive modernization to active modernization ;

  13. 《军队监察工作条例(试行)》自2020年2月1日起施行。《条例》着力构建统一领导、权威高效、全面覆盖的军队监察体制。

    The trial regulation on military supervision1 work , which took effect on Feb 1 , was introduced to establish an authoritative2 and efficient military supervision system with complete coverage3 under a unified4 command .

  14. 员工的控制倾向缓冲了家长式领导的权威领导维度与员工的主管忠诚的追随维度。

    The control-intention moderate the relationship between Authoritarian leadership and following dimension of Employee 's supervisory loyalty .

  15. 充分发挥校领导的权威作用;

    Stressing communication between the higher and lower levels , giving full play to authority of school leadership ;

  16. 在同阿巴斯的会谈中,哈里发反复强调他的国家对巴勒斯坦人民和阿巴斯领导的权威机构不变的支持。

    During his meeting with Abbas , Sheikh Khalifa reiterated his country 's " firm " stance in the support of the Palestinian people as well as the PNA led by Abbas .

  17. 代表一个社会作出社会评价的总是以一定社会形式组织起来的人,且主要是那些被授予社会评价能力的国家机关、政府、领导、权威人士等。

    The evaluating subject which makes social evaluation on behalf of a society must be organized by certain social form , and mainly is the state agency , the government , the leader , the authoritative person and so on , who is conferred evaluating power by the society .

  18. 约翰拥有一位国际比赛的队长所拥有的一切特征:领导能力,权威,勇气,能力,战术意识和不甘第二的精神。

    John has all the attributes an international captain needs : leadership , authority , courage , ability , tactical awareness and a total refusal to accept second-best .

  19. 课程领导是基于道德权威的革新的领导;

    Curriculum leadership is a kind of innovation leadership based on moral authority .

  20. 领导者素质、政策制定水平和领导行为在政府权威的形成、发展和维护当中作用非常重要。

    Quality of leaders , level of policy-formulating and conduct of leaders plays an important role in forming , developing and safeguarding governmental authority .

  21. 农村初中生期望的与知觉到的教师领导行为(除权威行为外)之间的差距均大于城市初中生;

    Compared with urban students , the differences between anticipate and perceive teacher leader behavior ( except teacher authoritative behavior ) in rural students are greater .

  22. 一个领导有时应该表现出自己的领导权威,好让别人照他说的去做。

    A leader must assert himself sometimes in order to be followed .

  23. 在20世纪开始的时候,宗教领导,正是因为宗教领导有,权威,受到英国的控制。

    In the beginning of the century where religious leaders , just because religious leaders had authority and where given control by the British .

  24. 道德领导理论是针对教育领导者加强道德素养的教育管理理论,它从批判传统的学校管理与领导模式出发,启示学校领导者应该以道德和价值观为领导原则和领导权威来进行领导实践。

    Moral leadership theory starts from the criticism on the traditional middle of school management and leadership . This inspires that the leaders in the school should base on the principle of moral and value and the leader authority when they doing practice .