
mān hān
  • muddleheaded and careless
颟顸 [mān hān]
  • [muddleheaded and careless] 糊涂而马虎

  • 信上隐隐间责他办事颟顸,帮着上司,不替百姓伸冤。--《官场现形记》

  1. 那人太颟顸,什么事都做不好。

    That man is so muddle-headed and careless he makes a mess of everything .

  2. 或许日圆升值和其衍生的破坏不全是坏事,至少我们学到一点,它暴露了鸠山政府的经济政策的颟顸。

    That may be the one virtue of the rising yen and the destruction it wreaks : It is exposing the ineptitude of the Hatoyama administration 's economic policies .

  3. 可是,颟顸的霍氏集团对皇帝的新动向毫无察觉,反而依仗皇太后、皇后的特殊关系,变本加厉地专横跋扈、奢靡越制。

    However , the Khodorkovsky 's Group of the emperor 's new trends without notice , but relied on the Empress Dowager , Queen 's special relationship intensify their efforts to Shemi the system .