
  1. 强调必须把握新形势下医政工作的方向任务,转变政府职能,树立全局观念和群众观念;

    The paper focus on the tasks and direction , governmental function changing , establishment of the view of overall situation in the new condition ;

  2. 在线路交通保卫工作中,还要牢固树立群众观念,最大限度地减少对道路交通和群众的影响。

    In the work of route traffic safeguard , we will also fix the concept of the mass upon our minds , minimize the bad effect on road traffic and the people in large .

  3. 在很多少数民族群众观念中,传统习惯法和宗教法意识之残留尚未完全消失,还在或多或少地影响着他们的生活,甚至在有的地方其影响还大于国家的法律。

    Awareness of the traditions and customs of the ethnic minorities and religious law has not completely disappeared , still more or less affect their lives , and its impact is greater than the law of the country in some area .

  4. 滨海乡镇由于其特殊的地理位置以及独特的滨海条件,无论是群众观念、地域经济特点,还是战略思路、建设模式、建设途径与一般乡村都有或多或少的差异。

    Coastal towns due to its special geographical location and unique coastal conditions , whether it is the masses , geographic and economic characteristics , or strategic thinking , building model , building pathways are more or less with the general rural differences .

  5. 影响我国稳定低生育水平的因素主要有区域生育水平的差异、现行工作机制的滞后、城乡生育水平的差异、群众生育观念与现行生育政策的矛盾等。

    There are a lot of conflicts as the major factors affecting the low fertility level in our country .

  6. 行政人员和林区群众法律观念不强,有法不依、执法不严现象严重。

    The administrative personnel and the common people in the forest region show their weak view on law do not abide by the law , do not enforce the law strictly .

  7. 通过研究笔者认为D镇计划生育工作执行难的原因在于自上而下的行政化体制、不合理的利益机制、不完善的法治环境、以及部分农民群众的观念的落后。

    The author holds that the causes accounting for the difficulty of executing the family planning policy in D lie in the top-bottom administrative system , unreasonable interest mechanism , imperfect legal system and backward thoughts of some peasants .

  8. 群众科学健身观念因素;

    The scientific gymnastical idea factor of the masses ;

  9. 大力普及人口知识教育,促进群众转变生育观念&新疆精河县普及人口与计划生育基础知识教育的实践与探索

    Energetically Popularize Education of Population Knowledge , Promote Change of the Masses ' Ideas of Birth

  10. 本文指出,强化人民群众的体育价值观念,是贯彻全民健身计划的一项不容忽视的任务。

    This essay points out that it is an unignored task to strengthen the people 's sports value conception in carrying out the all people bodybuilding plan .

  11. 贴近群众才能赢得听众&浅谈广播记者的群众观念

    Only by pressing close to the masses can we win the masses - Discussing the broadcasting reporters ' mass concept