
  1. 文章分析了阳康乡地区气象资源,提出了供电优化设计方案,由此从50kW风光互补电站的设计中指出了其的合理性和实用性,解决了此地区的用电需求。

    The paper analyses the meteorological resources of Yangkang rural areas , and proposes power supply optimizing design scheme , thus indicates its rationality and practicability , and this design can solve the power demand in this area .

  2. 风光互补抽水蓄能电站是集合了传统水能与风、光新能源各自优势的一种新的多能互补开发方式。

    The pumped storage power station complemented by wind and light energy is a new way of energy development which assembles the respective advantages of the traditional hydropower , wind and light energy .