
  1. 江大南路时尚风情街,重点发展时尚消费、休闲娱情为主的特色街;

    Fashion Street on Jiangda Road ( s ) is the characteristic street taking fashionable consumption and leisure entertainment as keystone .

  2. 滨河生态区域,规划为滨河景观带、大学城和民族商业风情街。

    The coastal river ecological district is planned to be built into the coastal river landscape belt , university Town and national commercial style street .

  3. 游人可以漫步在充满风情的内街穿梭于三栋建筑之间,自由选择进入好莱坞娱乐中心或者购物区域。

    Walking along the scenic internal street wandering around the three buildings , tourists may choose to enter the Hollywood-style entertainment center or the shopping area .