
  • 网络landscapes
  1. 湖南省花岗岩发育特点及主要花岗岩风景地貌

    Characteristics of Granite Development and Main Granite Scenic Landscapes in Hunan Province

  2. 对布鲁上来说,就是看到“那些大山并了解到这些大熊猫们是怎样对抗当地这让人难以置信的风景地貌的。”

    For Bloom , it was seeing " those mountains and to see a panda against these incredible landscapes . "

  3. 陕西风景地貌资源及开发利用

    The landscape geomorphological resources in Shaanxi and their development and exploitation

  4. 喀斯特风景地貌在风景地貌中占有极其重要的地位。

    The karst landscape plays an important part in the scenic landform .

  5. 论太行山地区旅游风景地貌资源

    Geomorphologic Resources of Tourism Landscape in Taihang Mountain Area

  6. 陕西风景地貌资源极其丰富。

    Shaanxi has splend of landform resources .

  7. 本文系统地阐述了喀斯特风景地貌的地上与地下类型,并对它的旅游吸引力进行了探讨。

    This paper systematically describes its surface and underground types and explores its appeal to tourists .

  8. 喀斯特风景地貌及其吸引力

    Karst landscape and its appeal

  9. 峡谷属于风景地貌,不仅有着丰富的自然资源,而且具有独特的美学特征,同时拥有科考和旅游价值。

    Canyon scenery landscape , not only are rich natural resources but also breeds unique aesthetic features .

  10. 一些我喜爱的照片反映出天空在水中的反射导致整个风景地貌看起来如同漂浮在空中一样!

    Some of my favorite shots reflect the sky in the water which cause the landscapes to seem like they are floating high up in the air !

  11. 太行山地区的旅游风景地貌由深切的河谷、高耸的山地及山顶平台和山地与河谷之间的山坡等三种地貌类型组成。

    The geomorphology of tourism landscape in Taihang Mountain consists of three main types : deeply-cut river valley , towering mountainous regions and the summit terrace , and hillside between mountainous regions and river valley .

  12. 黄山风景景观的地貌条件研究

    A research on the landform conditions of the landscapes in Huangshan Scenic Spot

  13. 我国许多风景名胜区地貌复杂,动植物资源丰富,生态环境独特,这些都是发展生态旅游的良好基础。

    Eco-tourism is also right in line with the principle of some scenic spots in China aiming for protection .