
  1. 一阵飓风级强风掀掉了教堂塔楼的一角。

    A hurricane-force gust blew off part of a church tower .

  2. 今晚会有飓风级强风。

    Hurricane force winds are expected tonight .

  3. 艾琳飓风为三级飓风,在北卡罗来纳和费城造成了严重损失,在弗吉尼亚州导致大规模海水倒灌,而抵达纽约时降级为热带风暴。

    The storm a category three hurricane which was downgraded to a tropical storm as it arrived in New York caused severe damage in North Carolina and Philadelphia and extensive flooding in Virginia .

  4. 飓风费利克斯升至四级风暴。

    Hurricane Felix has been upgraded to a category four storm .

  5. 这场风暴预计将于今天在墨西哥湾沿岸地区登陆,飓风等级为4级,风速超过每小时150英里,风暴潮超过20英尺。

    The storm was expected to make landfall today on the Gulf Coast at the category four level , with winds racing at more than 150 miles per hour and a storm surge exceeding 20 feet .

  6. 飓风Rick在太平洋上升级,大约一个小时之前,飓风增强为四级风暴。

    Hurricane Rick picking up some steam in the Pacific Ocean . The hurricane was just upgraded to a category four storm that happened about an hour ago .