
  • 网络saturation exponent;ODI
  1. 浅谈阿尔奇公式中饱和度指数(n)的测定方法

    The Measuring Methods for the Saturation Exponent ( n ) in Archie Equation

  2. 模拟油田水驱状态下含水饱和度指数n的实验研究

    An experimental study of saturation exponent n in state of simulating water drive

  3. 研究结果表明:双电层ζ电位可以影响饱和度指数n和系数b;

    The research results show : ① Electric potential ζ in electrical double layer may affect n and b ;

  4. 胶结指数m和饱和度指数n变化规律的研究一直是岩石物理学家和测井解释分析家关注的问题。

    The change of cementation exponent m and the saturation exponent n is always concerned by the rock physicists and the well logging interpretation analysts .

  5. 通过引入相对润湿指数,发现阿尔奇饱和度指数n的对数与相对润湿指数之间存在很好的线性关系,为利用饱和度指数预测储层的润湿性提供了依据。

    A linear relationship exists between the logarithm of saturation exponent n and relative wettability index , which provides the basis for forecasting the wettability of reservoirs using saturation exponent .

  6. 泥质砂岩的视电阻率增大系数Ia、饱和度指数na随温度的升高而减小;

    The apparent resistivity index I a and the apparent saturation exponent n a decrease with the increase of temperature .

  7. 岩电实验结果表明:黄铁矿含量增加会导致饱和度指数n值降低,但孔隙胶结指数m值基本不变。

    Results of electrical experiment in petrophysics indicate that the increase of pyrite content results in the decrease of saturation index n , but the pore cementation factor m remains steady basically ;

  8. 与地面条件相比,地层条件下测得的岩性系数a增大,胶结指数m、饱和度指数n和岩性系数b减小。

    Compared to the surface conditions , the lithological coefficient a measured under formation conditions becomes larger , while the cementation index m , saturation index n and lithological coefficient b change to smaller .

  9. 根据欧姆定律及微积分原理,推导出几种理想情况下的Archie(阿尔奇)公式,模拟分析了胶结指数以及饱和度指数的影响因素。

    The Archie formulae for some ideal rock models were derived according to the Ohm Law using the Calculus technique . The affecting factors on the cementing exponent and the saturation exponent were numerically analyzed .

  10. 在高温(80℃)、高压(15MPa)条件和常温常压条件下,分别测定岩石的地层因素和饱和度指数,进行对比实验。

    The formation factor and the saturation index are measured and compared under both high temperature ( 80 ℃) / high pressure ( 15MPa ) and normal temperature / pressure conditions .

  11. 胶结指数与饱和度指数对计算含水饱和度影响程度探讨

    Effects of Cementation Factor and Saturation Index on Calculation of Water Saturation

  12. 非均质碳酸盐岩饱和度指数研究

    A Study on Saturation Index of Heterogeneous Carbonates

  13. 同一块岩心,用注入和驱替润湿相两种方法测得的饱和度指数是不同的。

    The oil saturation will be different with injection and displacement wettability methods respectively in the same core .

  14. 同时,分析了岩石物性对阿尔奇公式中饱和度指数和电阻率指数的影响。

    At the same time , we analyze the influence of rock properties on Archie formula saturation index and resistivity index .

  15. 饱和度指数对地层电导率与总含水饱和度关系曲线的影响随总含水饱和度的增大而减小。

    The effect of saturation exponent on the curves between formation conductivity and total water saturation increases as total water saturation increases .

  16. 泥质砂岩电阻率、视地层因素、视胶结指数、电阻率增大系数、视饱和度指数均与温度有关。

    Resistivity apparent formation factor , apparent cement exponent , resistivity index and apparent saturation exponent of shaly sands are related to temperature .

  17. 孔隙度指数和饱和度指数为常量且其岩石物理特性能够用阿尔奇公式很好地描述的岩石。

    A rock whose petrophysical properties are well described by the Archie equation with constant values for the porosity exponent and the saturation exponent .

  18. 根据达西定律和阿尔奇公式的物理意义,由毛管电动力学和双水模型理论出发,建立了阿尔奇饱和度指数与储层渗透率、孔隙度、饱和度的相关性理论。

    According to the theory of capillary electrokinetics and dual porosity water model , the relationship between Archie saturation index and reservoir characteristics is developed .

  19. 其饱和度指数与岩样的其它岩性参数基本上不相关,说明它主要反映了饱和度大小及其分布特征的影响,其它影响因素处于次要地位。

    The bad correlativity between saturation exponent and other lithological parameters shows that saturation exponent mainly reflects saturation magnitude and its distribution , and other factors are not so important .

  20. 由于阿尔奇参数的频散现象,要想适应各种频率下泥质砂岩储集层解释参数变化的要求,需要进行多频测量,以确定孔隙度指数和饱和度指数。

    Due to dispersion of Archie parameters , multi-frequency measurement should be conducted to suit interpretation parameters variation of argillaceous sandstone reser-voir with various frequencies , so as to determine porosity exponent and saturation exponent .

  21. 本文发现饱和度指数是饱和度和孔隙度的函数,反映了孔隙介质导电路径的复杂程度随饱和度变化而变化的情况,而不是传统地认为饱和度指数是流体分布状态的反映。

    Saturation exponent n is not a constant as the traditional idea expected but a function of water saturation and porosity . It is a reflection of complexity-change rate of conductive path with water saturation .

  22. 同时使用电磁波传播测井和微球形聚焦电阻率测井求出饱和度指数随地层深度的变化曲线,预测储层的润湿性。

    Saturation exponent n ( vs ) depth curve is given through Electmagnetic Propagation Tool ( EPT ) and Microspherical Focused Log ( MSFL ), from which the changes of wettability with depth will be forecasted .

  23. 多温度、多矿化度岩石电阻率实验研究表明,岩石的电阻率、视地层因素、视胶结指数、视电阻率增大系数、视饱和度指数与地层温度、地层水矿化度、泥质含量等因素有关。

    Experimental study of rock resistivity with multi temperature and multi salinity shows that rock resistivity , apparent formation factor , apparent cement exponent , apparent resistivity increasing coefficient and apparent saturation exponent are related to such factors as formation temperature , formation water salinity and shale content etc.

  24. 初次采用饱和度指数作为城市绿地生境和植物多样性耦合程度的量化指标,来说明与最大可能的多样性差距;绿地植物群落共259种维管束植物组成,分属93科151属。

    Saturation index was first introduced as a quantitative index of coupling relationship of urban green space habitats and plant diversity and illustrate the gap with the greatest possible diversity . Green space plant communities which were composed of 259 vascular plants , belong to 93 section 151 genera .

  25. 模拟4000m和5000m高原人的动脉血氧饱和度和心脏指数的变化

    Effects of Simulated High Altitude on Arterial Oxygen Saturation and Cardiac Index

  26. 混合静脉血氧饱和度与心脏指数的关系

    Relationship between Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation and Cardiac Index

  27. 岩石孔隙度误差对岩电参数中的含水饱和度及饱和度指数具有显著的影响,而对胶结指数的影响较小。

    Error of porosity has a great influence upon water saturation ( Sw ) and saturation exponent ( n ), but a less influence upon cement factor ( m ) .

  28. 测试结果表明:随着纱线加捻程度的增加,着色涤纶长丝纱线颜色的色度指标明度、饱和度呈负指数规律下降,色调角略有增大。

    The result shows that the lightness and colour saturation of the yarn vary with the twist according to the rule of negative exponent , and its hue of colour increases slightly .

  29. 对低渗透率油层,束缚水饱和度较高时,指数n小于1。

    The value of n is less than 1 and b increases with high irreducible water saturation in low permeability reservoir .

  30. 研究结果表明,在两相启动压力曲线上,各相的启动压力梯度与驱替相的饱和度之间均呈指数变化规律;

    The two-phase starting pressure curves reveal exponential relationship between the starting pressure gradient and the saturation of the driving phase .