
  • 网络cake
饽饽 [bō bō]
  • (1) [bun;cake] 〈方〉∶糕点或用杂粮面制成的块状食物

  • 玉米饽饽

  • (2) [pasery] 〈方〉∶馒头

  1. 我知道,警察这份工作已成为纽约人抵抗经济危机的“香饽饽”。

    I know that the police has become new yorkers ' " sweet pastry " to resist the crisis .

  2. 我们这里有贴玉米饼、小米粥和菜饽饽。

    We have maize cake , millet gruel and vegetable pastry .

  3. 数据科学家都是抢手的香饽饽,但不同的是,计算能力的成本事实上正在降低。

    Unlike coveted data scientists , compute power is actually getting cheaper .

  4. 零售银行,好吃难做的饽饽

    Retail bank , good to eat but hard to make

  5. 雅各:我们小时候常一起玩泥饽饽。

    Jacob : We used to make mud pies when we were little .

  6. 但它们不会在一夜之间让印度的航空公司成为香饽饽。

    They are not going to make Indian Airlines attractive overnight , however .

  7. 近年来,随着图画书的推广,琳琅满目的图画书大放光彩,很快成为了中国儿童的香饽饽。

    In recent years , the picture books are popular in Chinese children .

  8. 那些大学里的拉拉队长现在可是香饽饽。

    Those cheerleaders at college are now hot property .

  9. 尽管受到金融危机的影响,但对于商务专业学生而言,银行依然是块香饽饽。

    Despite fallout from the financial crisis , banks remain popular among business students .

  10. 吃的是冻成了冰块的玉米面饽饽夹咸菜,就着雪吃下去。

    Our food was frozen corn bread with salted vegetables , and snow was our drink .

  11. 海外地产并非所有人眼中的投资香饽饽。

    Not everyone in the eyes of overseas real estate investment in the meat and potatoes .

  12. 小沈阳自一炮走红后,已成为了众广告商眼中的“香饽饽”。

    Since a small shenyang 's abdominals , has become the advertisers in the eyes of the fair .

  13. 2009年初还是经济危机重灾区的国家到年末却成了投资家的香饽饽。

    Countries that were disaster zones at the start of2009 achieved gold-rush status by the end of it .

  14. 它是在宫廷点心“猪油饽饽”的基础上改制的。

    It is a dim sum palace in the " lard cake " on the basis of the restructuring .

  15. 进入移动互联网时代以后,电子阅读产业忽然成了香饽饽。

    Since the era of mobile Internet access , electronic industry , suddenly became the meat and potatoes of reading .

  16. 找来些糠、草籽之类做成的饽饽,每人吃一个。

    Breads were made with bran and grass roots found in the field for us to eat , one each .

  17. 这两位女性都是音乐产业的“香饽饽”,他们都是世界上唱片最有销量的歌手。

    The two women are up for the most coveted title in the music industry-to become the bestselling artist in the world .

  18. 五年级的麦科勒姆突然发觉,随着耐克的四年合同到期,自己已经是球鞋品牌眼里的香饽饽。

    The fifth-year guard also suddenly found himself among the most sought-after players by footwear brands this past summer , as his initial four-year sneaker deal with Nike was set to expire .

  19. 拉雯瑟还说,“我发现自己又成了‘香饽饽’,她们现在都需要我,因为我才是她们友谊的源头。”

    She added : " I feel like I 'm the hot item again . They need me now . They need me to get back to the root of why they 're friends . "

  20. 自2002年9月,中国光大银行首推外币结构性存款以来,外汇结构性存款成为国内各商业银行及外资银行的香饽饽,市场发展迅速。

    Since the China Everbright Bank issued the first foreign exchange structured deposits in our country in September 2002 , foreign exchange structured deposits have become the " Xiangbobo " of domestic commercial banks and foreign banks . The market has developed rapidly .