
  • 网络capital economic circle
  1. 首都经济圈水资源循环经济模式的探讨

    Exploration on Recycle Economic Pattern of Water Resource in Capital Economic Circle

  2. 奥运会与首都经济圈

    Olympic Games and Capital Economic Circle

  3. 首都经济圈的贫困带成因与消除贫困的建议

    The Reasons Poverty Belt of Beijing Economic Cycle and the Suggestion of Against Poverty

  4. 通过定性的方式描述了河北省环首都经济圈县市发展及产业结构现状。

    Qualitative description of the status quo of the city and county development and industrial structure of Hebei Province is in the Circle .

  5. 推进集中型城市化,打造首都经济圈,是各国经济发展的基本规律。

    Promoting Centralized type city and forming the capital economic circle , is the basic law of the economy development all over the world .

  6. 基于以上的分析得出河北省环首都经济圈县域经济产业结构调整的方向及本文的研究不足。

    We gain the direction of structural adjustment for counties of Hebei Province in the circle , and inadequate of this study based on the above analysis .

  7. 基于此提出环首都经济圈科技成果孵化园区服务体系应该是多个子系统相互耦合而形成的复杂体系。

    So the hatch park for technological results service system for capital economic circle should be a complex system formed by the mutual coupling of multiple subsystems .

  8. 为推进首都经济圈内区域之间、城市之间的协调发展、缓解首都所面临的压力,打造河北省经济增长极,在2010年,河北省提出建设环首都经济圈的战略构想。

    To promote the coordinated development between cities around the capital and to alleviate the pressure on the capital and speed up the economy , a strategic objective is present by Hebei province , which is to build the capital economic circle in 2010 .

  9. 文章从首都经济圈水资源环境现状出发,以循环经济学为理论基础,提出水资源循环经济发展模式,用以解决首都经济圈水资源与经济发展的矛盾。

    The paper puts forward the model of water resource cyclic economy development to solve the contradiction of water resource use and economy development on the basis of the theories of cyclic economics and analyzing water resource environment situation in the capital economic circle .

  10. 河北旅游业发展过程中的一个重要问题&与首都经济圈周边地区旅游产品存在很大程度雷同,未能凸显自己的旅游特色成为制约河北省旅游产业发展的一大瓶颈。

    Hebei tourism industry still have an important problem in the process of development-comparing with capital economic circle surrounding areas tourism products exist largely identical , to highlight its own characteristics tourism restricts the development of tourism industry in Hebei province is a major " bottleneck " .

  11. 再次,运用定性及定量方法,对环首都经济圈产业发展现状、特点、优势及劣势进行评述,并根据与北京的产业关联性及梯度差异,定位其应重点发展的优势特色产业。

    Again , using the qualitative and quantitative methods , discuss the industry development present situation , characteristics , advantages and disadvantages of the economic circle around the capital , and in accordance with industrial relevance and gradient difference with Beijing , position its characteristic advantage industry .

  12. 河北省在经济转型和产业结构调整中,把环首都绿色经济圈健康产业发展作为一项重要的战略内容加以规划,从而为河北省未来经济结构调整和产业发展提出了新的方向和目标。

    In the economic restructuring and industrial structural change , Hebei province planning Green economic circle around Beijing health industry as an important strategic content .

  13. 尚义县地处河北省西北部,属农牧交错带的中段,地处首都上风、上水地带,是首都经济圈生态治理的重要生态治理县。

    Shangyi County lies in the northwest of Heibei province , in the middle of farming-pastoral zone . It is an important ecological county to the capital 's environment since it lies in the upper hand of wind and water of the capital .