
  • 网络Hong Kong Music
  1. 香港音乐主任级协会

    Hong Kong Music Officer Grade Staff Association

  2. RED希望创作出更多元化的摇滚音乐。希望能在香港音乐上做点冲击。

    With this passion , RED hopes to bring impacts to local music culture through composing diversified rock music .

  3. 陈学明为香港流行音乐学院之音乐导师。

    Siuming Chan is currently a music tutor of Ultimate Musicians Institute .

  4. 半古典流行曲音乐会香港流行音乐作家公会

    Semi-classical and pop concert Pop-Music Authors Society of Hong Kong

  5. 试论香港专业音乐教育的定位

    On Evaluating The Professional Music Education In Hong Kong

  6. 并以此探讨香港专业音乐教育的定位问题。

    The writer discussed the issue of evaluating the professional music education in Hong Kong .

  7. 香港流行音乐。

    Which Park : Hong Kong pop .

  8. 香港流行音乐作家公会

    Pop-Music Authors Society of Hong Kong

  9. 《大酒店》:同香港的音乐相比,上海朋友更衷爱哪种音乐?

    GRAND HOTELS : What kind of music is preferred by people in Shanghai ? What about in Hong Kong ?

  10. 2003年毕业于香港大学音乐系,随陈锦标博士习作曲及卡尔.古高博士习音乐学。

    He gained good music interpretation from his piano teacher , Peter Lally . In2003 , upon graduation from The University of Hong Kong where he studied composition with Dr.

  11. 香港流行音乐在整个中国乃至东南亚都有很大的影响力,并从中走出了一大批明星,例如王菲,陈奕迅等等。

    Cantopop music , making a large number of famous singers like Faye Wong , Eason Chan , etc. , has great influence all over China and even in Southeast Asia .

  12. 现任香港中文大学音乐系粤曲导师及音乐系戏曲资料中心顾问。

    She currently teaches at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Music Department and the consultant of the Chinese opera information centre .

  13. 香港人听音乐,就像一样任何我们。从香港流行艺术音乐到真的古典的。

    Hong Kong people listens to music , just like any of us . From Hong Kong Canto pop music to the really classical ones .

  14. 1987年,他进入香港演艺学院音乐系教授作曲、电子音乐及理论。

    He joined the music Faculty of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts ( APA ) in1987 , teaching composition , electronic music and theory .

  15. 在盛世的旅程中成长&香港管弦乐团上海音乐厅音乐会

    Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra in Shanghai Concert Hall

  16. 香港文化中心的音乐厅宏伟壮观,最令人瞩目的是一座由奥地利著名管风琴制作公司莱格公司手制的管风琴。

    The focal point of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall is the pipe organ hand made in Austria by the Rieger Orgelbau .

  17. 乐团之成立目的是希望推广敲击乐予香港学界及音乐爱好者,藉著敲击乐独有之强劲节奏及丰富音色,令新一代的普罗大众能享受合奏音乐所带给他们的喜悦。

    The percussion group aims to promote percussive music to students and music lovers in Hong Kong , by the means of unique strong rhythm and rich timbre of percussion ensemble music .