
  1. 凡持有外国护照的中国公民可向香港特别行政区入境事务处申报国籍变更。

    Those citizens holding foreign passports will have the option to declare change of nationality to the HKSAR Immigration department .

  2. 你应透过最就近的中国驻外国的使领馆递交申请,或邮递申请至香港特别行政区入境事务处。

    You should submit your application through the nearest Chinese diplomatic and consular mission , or mail your application direct to the immigration department in Hong kong .

  3. 如该儿童选择以外国公民身份在香港特别行政区居留,其父母应向香港特别行政区入境事务处申报变更国籍。

    For the child chooses to remain in the HKSAR as a foreign national , the parent should make a declaration of change of nationality to the HKSAR Immigration department .

  4. 当申请人不在香港,可向就近的使、领馆作或直接向香港特别行政区入境事务处递交申请。

    Applicants residing in countries outside Hong Kong may submit their application to the nearest Chinese diplomatic and consular mission or direct to the HKSAR Immigration department .