
  • 网络Hubert Maga;maga;Makati;Kaya-Magha
  1. 在菲律宾的慈济志业园区,15位马加致市扶轮社成员正学习如何将宝特瓶变成毛毯;

    At the Philippines'Tzu Chi grounds , 15 Rotary Club members from the Makati Forbes Park are learning how to turn plastic bottles into blankets !

  2. 他们表示,已经为以马加名字命名的基金会筹集了4000美元,该基金会专门组织演出,让人们观看马加跳舞和玩耍。

    They said they had raised around $ 4,000 for a trust in his name by organizing shows where people can watch him dance and play .

  3. 在这段经历的开始,他谈到了友好的旅行者告诉他们的风景的主题,例如乞力马加罗山以及她被雪覆盖的山峰,是一副包括动物在内的美景。

    In the beginning of his career , he mentioned tourist-friendly landscape motifs such as " Kilimanjaro " with its snow-capped peak , landscapes with exotic animals , etc.