
  • Ma Xiaowei;【人名】Xiaowei Ma
  1. 卫生部副部长马晓伟称,中国医疗整形美容手术例数每年翻倍,但仅有小部分的机构有合格资质。

    Vice Minister of Health Ma Xiaowei said cosmetic surgeries double every year , though only a small number of institutions are qualified to perform operations .

  2. 马晓伟敦促在全国范围内加强以社区为基础的预防和控制工作,并对从武汉流入全国其他地区的人员进行严格管理。

    Ma urges efforts to strengthen community-based prevention and control work across the country and strict management of personnel who have traveled to other parts of the country from Wuhan .

  3. 卫生部部长马晓伟在2011年世界卫生日主题活动启动仪式时表示,希望各级医院能够“科学且合理地”使用抗生药物。

    Vice Health Minister Ma Xiaowei said at a ceremony to mark World Health Day that he hoped hospitals would push for antibiotics to be used in " scientific and rational " ways .

  4. 中国卫生部副部长马晓伟表示,截至周一上午,共有1253名婴儿确诊因食用三鹿奶粉而患病,其中340名患儿仍留院观察,53名患儿病情“较重”。

    By Monday morning , 1253 children had been diagnosed with illnesses linked to the powder , with 340 still in hospital , and 53 " relatively serious " cases , said Ma Xiaowei , Chinese vice-minister of health .

  5. 国家卫生健康委员会主任马晓伟表示,为期一周的春节假期是大规模隔离和消毒的最佳时间。他表示,专家预判现在疫情进入一个比较严重复杂的时期。

    National Health Commission director Ma Xiaowei says the one-week Lunar New Year holiday is the best time to allow massive isolation and disinfection to He says experts have predicted that the epidemic has entered a rather grave and complex period .