
  • 网络Shenbei New Area
  1. 第二天七点多钟,我们从下榻的辽宁大厦赶往沈北新区的辽宁大学浦河校区。

    Early the next day , we hurried to Puhe campus of Liaoning University , Northern Shenyang New Zone from the hotel where we stayed .

  2. 在沈北新区的一个展示区内,许多动漫粉丝拿着手机在空中挥舞,以此来操控着电视机里面的网球比赛。

    Shen Beixin in a display area , many anime fans waving in the air holding a cell phone as a way to control a TV inside of tennis .

  3. 2010年是沈阳沈北新区开发建设的第五年,经过五年的发展,沈北新区的建设已经初具规模,也取得了一些成绩。

    The year 2010 is the fifth year since the New Zone in north of Shenyang opened up . During five years , the New Zone in the north of Shenyang has already obtained some achievements .

  4. 首先分析城市新区的模式和发展经验,继而分别研究国外和国内城市新区的发展历程,从中总结出对沈北新区的发展具有借鉴意义的启示。

    It analyses the development experience and models of urban Economic Development Zone . Then , it researches the process of the development of urban New Zones in China and other countries separately , in order to conclude some meaningful enlightenment .