
  • 网络Manet;Edouard Manet;Manet Edouard
  1. 马奈和苏珊娜最终于11年后结婚。

    Manet and Suzanne eventually married 11 years later .

  2. 马奈和左拉建立了牢固的友谊。他们相互尊重。

    Manet and Zola established a strong bond and respect for one another .

  3. 马奈的调色板上运用的颜色逐渐经历了一个重大变化。

    Manet 's palette gradually underwent a significant change .

  4. 马奈的一生多半在艺术界的误解中度过。

    Manet had spent most of his life being misunderstood by the art world .

  5. 莫奈图卢兹西涅克伯纳德马奈他们都来了

    Everyone does . Monet , Toulouse , Seingnac , Bernard , Manet , everybody

  6. 60年代对马奈是颇有意义的年代。

    The1860s were interesting times for manet .

  7. 1840年,七岁的马奈被送到沃吉拉德一所寄宿学校上学。

    In1840 the seven-year-old MANET was sent as a weekly boarder to a school at vaugirard .

  8. 手术没有成功,马奈于1883年4月30日溘然长逝,终年51岁。

    The operation was unsuccessful and he died on30 april , 1883 at the age of51 .

  9. 本文主要研究了19世纪艺术巨匠马奈的绘画艺术。

    This paper mainly studies the painting of Manet , a great artist of the 19th century .

  10. 也正是左拉,预言终有,一天马奈的作品将被悬挂在卢浮宫里。

    It was Zola who predicted that one day Manet 's Work would hang in the Louvre .

  11. 马奈第一个将印象主义的光和色彩带进了人物画。

    Manet was the first painter to focus on the interplay between light , color and figure .

  12. 展览:2011年《“经典的魅力”青年油画家邀请展》,马奈草地艺术中心,北京。

    The Charm of Classic , Youth Oil Painting Exhibition ", Manet Art Space , Beijing " .

  13. 例如,在蓝色的陈列室中陈列着十九世纪画家的绘画作品,在这些画家中有爱德华.马奈和欧仁.德拉克洛瓦。

    For example , the Blue Room contains paintings by nineteenth century artists including Edouard Manet and Eugene Delacroix .

  14. 传统绘画与现代绘画的转折&论马奈及印象主义绘画的艺术

    A Turning Point of Traditional Painting and Modern Painting On the Feminist Tendency in Manet 's Painting of the Naked

  15. 由于马奈作品中错综复杂而无条理的构图策略,使得通常题材下所表现出来的意义变得难以捉摸。

    Because of the Romani in the intricacies and disjointed composition policy so that usually subjects the meaning become elusive .

  16. 本文主要由引言、马奈与莫涵、马奈的女性主题创作分析和结语几个章节构成。

    This article mainly by the introduction , Romani and culvert , Romani women topic creation analysis and conclusion several chapters .

  17. 主题与变奏&中国仕女画与西方女性裸体画的比较马奈裸体画中的女性主义倾向

    An Eternal Theme & A comparison between the traditional Chinese paintings of beautiful women and the Western paintings of naked female

  18. 马奈的画,和那些他曾在马丁内表现出的,使年轻的艺术家纷纷给他。

    Manet 's painting , and those he had previously shown at Martinet 's , brought younger artists flocking to him .

  19. 是左拉的支持以及他对于马奈在绘画中所作尝试的坚定信念才使马奈不致于陷入绝望境地。

    It was Zola 's support and belief in what he was trying to achieve that kept Manet from becoming despondent .

  20. 老马奈对儿子参加绘画班从来就不以为然,于是这个坏消息终于使他忍无可忍。

    Manet senior had never been impressed by his son attending drawing classes , so this bad news was the final straw .

  21. 马奈的舅舅福尼埃对他的外甥影响很大,并成为他的知己。

    Manet 's uncle , his mother 's brother fournier , had a deep influence on his nephew and became an important confidant .

  22. 印象主义文学艺术与印象主义绘画艺术既有相通之处,又有自身的特点。传统绘画与现代绘画的转折&论马奈及印象主义绘画的艺术

    The art of literary impressionism has great similarities with that of artistic impressionism . A Turning Point of Traditional Painting and Modern Painting

  23. 第四章为结语,主要总结整个篇章,点出马奈女性主题的共同点和创作意图。

    Chapter IV as a conclusion , the main conclusion of the entire chapter , wrestling with Nair women topic points in common and intention .

  24. 1879年夏,马奈在贝尔芜乡间租了一座房子。在那儿,他画鲜花、静物以及乡村景色。

    In the summer of 1879 Manet tented a house in the country at Bellvue , where he drew flowers , still-lifes and rustic scenes .

  25. 他是惠斯勒的学生,德加的朋友和马奈非常熟悉,他将印象主义和后印象主义介绍给年轻一代的英国画家。

    A pupil of Whistler , friend of Degas and acquaintance of Manet , he introduced Impressionism and Post-Impressionism to a younger generation of British painters .

  26. 今天,马奈的《左拉像》被举世公认为他最好的作品之一,跟许多艺术精品一起被悬挂在法国这家享有盛名的艺术博物馆里。

    Today , Manet 's portrait of zola is considered one of his BEST paintings , and hangs along with many others in the prestigious French gallery .

  27. 文章对他的生平,社会背景,绘画历程进行分析、解读与探讨,对马奈绘画艺术的形式语言作了全面深入的剖析与研究。

    It analyses his life , social background and experience as an artist , and makes comprehensive and profound researches on the formal language of his painting .

  28. 1862年,马奈的父亲去世,给他留下一小笔遗产,足以使他继续过着早已习以为常的舒适生活。

    In 1862 Manet 's father died and he was left with a moderate fortune , allowing him to continue in the comfortable lifestyle to which he was accustomed .