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  1. 西北回族军阀集团是对来自河州马姓回族三大家族的军阀的总称,三大家族分别立足甘、宁、青,各系之间泾渭分明。

    Warlords Bloc of Hui Nationality in northwest China is the general reference to the landlords of three big clans with the family name of Ma in Hezhou .

  2. 舜天公司一位马姓高级职员表示,法院本周举行了几场听证会,但她同时表示,据她所知法院尚未做出任何裁决。

    A Sainty Marine official who gave only her family name , Ma , said that the court had held hearings this week , but added that she was not aware of any decisions .

  3. 滇东、滇东北马姓回族名称来由浅析人们称家族传习的学问为“家学”。

    Research on Cause of Designation for the Hui People with Surname of Ma in the East and Northeast of Yunnan ; Learning handed down from generation to generation in a family is called " jiaxue " in Chinese .