
  • 网络Marburg;marburg virus;Marburgvirus
  1. 该马尔堡病毒感染病例已由位于德国汉堡市的BernhardNocht研究所通过实验室检验得以证实。

    Marburg virus infection has been demonstrated by laboratory tests performed by the Bernhard Nocht Institute in Hamburg , Germany .

  2. 马尔堡病毒通过血液和其它身体接触传播。

    Marburg virus is spread through blood and other bodily fluids .

  3. 它们都具有在马尔堡病毒方面工作的经验。

    All have experience in working with Marburg virus .

  4. 乌干达最近报告了两起马尔堡病毒感染病例。

    Two cases of Marburg virus infection have recently been reported in Uganda .

  5. 两个星期后,致死矿工的原因被确认为马尔堡病毒。

    Two weeks later Marburg virus was confirmed as the cause of his death .

  6. 关于马尔堡病毒一旦进入人群的行为的信息贫乏。

    Information on the behaviour of Marburg virus once it enters a human population is sparse .

  7. 本研究在感染了伊波拉病毒和马尔堡病毒的细胞中检验了锌指结构抗病毒蛋白的抗病毒效能。

    In this study ZAP was tested for its antiviral activity in cells infected with EBO and MAR.

  8. 马尔堡病毒是以它第一次于1967年在德国爆发的城市命名的。

    Marburg virus is named after the German city where it was first discovered in nineteen sixty-seven .

  9. 原发性感染发生在用猴子或其组织工作时与马尔堡病毒接触的实验室工作人员中。

    The primary infections were in laboratory staff exposed to Marburg virus while working with monkeys or their tissues .

  10. 与受感染人的血液、体液和组织直接接触可传播马尔堡病毒。

    The Marburg virus is transmitted by direct contact with the blood , body fluids and tissues of infected persons .

  11. 处理生病或死亡的受感染野生动物(猴子和果蝠等)也可传播马尔堡病毒。

    Transmission of the Marburg virus also occurred by handling ill or dead infected wild animals ( monkeys , fruit bats ) .

  12. 尽管经过大量研究,关于致命性的线状病毒埃博拉病毒和马尔堡病毒的细胞受体,至今还没有找到。

    Despite extensive study , a cellular receptor for the deadly filoviruses Ebolavirus and Marburgvirus has yet to be identified and characterized .

  13. 科学家们已经发现了埃博拉和马尔堡病毒如何压制免疫系统,这为治愈这两种病毒引发的疾病铺平了道路。

    Researchers have discovered how the Ebola and Marburg viruses cause illness , paving the way for developing cures for the diseases .

  14. 长期以来证明难以达到的一个较长远目标是确定在两次暴发期间马尔堡病毒隐藏在自然界的何处。

    A longer-term objective , whose achievement has long proved elusive , is to determine where Marburg virus hides in nature between outbreaks .

  15. 为了实验室工作,马尔堡病毒已被分类为一种极其有害的病原体,并且只可在专门的高级别控制实验室安全地进行处理。

    For laboratory work , Marburg virus has been classified as an extremely hazardous pathogen and can be handled safely only in specialized high-containment laboratories .

  16. 同时,一个专家小组勘查了可能开始引起疫情的矿井以寻找马尔堡病毒的宿主。

    A team of experts meanwhile explored the mine cave where the outbreak appears to have started in search of the reservoir of the Marburg virus .

  17. 在这项研究中,研究者在埃博拉和马尔堡病毒中发现了类似于逆转录病毒蛋白质的氨基酸序列,这些蛋白质在逆转录病毒中被认为是用来抑制免疫系统的。

    In the study , researchers describe a series of amino acids in Ebola and Marburg viruses that resemble proteins in retroviruses known to suppress the immune system .

  18. 在确认马尔堡病毒为致病病原体之后,世卫组织于3月21日向威热派出其高级流行病学家以评估事态和组织初期紧急应对。

    Following confirmation of Marburg virus as the causative agent , on21 March , WHO sent its senior epidemiologists to Uige to assess the situation and organize an initial emergency response .

  19. 20世纪90年代,在苏联叛徒称俄罗斯人已经找到将马尔堡病毒制成武器并将它装入弹头的方法后,各国政府及军队开始对制作抗埃博拉病毒及相关病毒——马尔堡病毒的疫苗感兴趣。

    Governments and the military became interested in making vaccines against Ebola and a related virus , Marburg , during the 1990s after a Soviet defector said the Russians had found a way to weaponize Marburg and load it into warheads .

  20. 现在马尔堡和埃博拉病毒都没有治疗方法和已证明有效的疫苗。

    There is no cure or approved vaccine for either Marburg or Ebola virus .

  21. 确定导致马尔堡与埃博拉病毒宿主的生态学研究正在进行中。

    Ecological studies are in progress to identify the natural reservoir of both Marburg and Ebola .

  22. 世卫组织已为马尔堡和其它病毒性出血热的诊断建立一个国际专家实验室网络。

    WHO has established an international network of expert laboratories for the diagnosis of Marburg and other viral haemorrhagic fevers .