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mǎ hu
  • careless;sloppy;casual;perfunctory;negligent;skimping
马虎 [mǎ hǔ]
  • [careless;negligent;skimping;sloppy] 漫不经心;不介意;疏忽;轻率

  • 这人太马虎

马虎[mǎ hu]
  1. 他对工作很马虎。

    He is careless about his work .

  2. 他这个人做事比较马虎。

    He 's a rather careless fellow .

  3. 她记账十分潦草马虎。

    She has a very slapdash approach to keeping accounts .

  4. 即便再马虎的人也能一眼看明白是怎么回事。

    It 's obvious even to the casual observer .

  5. 该酒店的管理一向马虎。

    The hotel had always been run in a slipshod way .

  6. 接触食物前尤其对洗手不能有半点马虎。

    Be particularly fastidious about washing your hands before touching food .

  7. 问题之一是对机场员工的安检措施马虎松懈。

    One of the problem areas is lax security for airport personnel

  8. 我对本职工作马虎松懈。

    I was lax in my duties .

  9. 在意大利,人们很少马虎从事。设计师们精益求精,用最美丽的布料制造出世界上最适合穿着的衣服。

    In Italy they rarely do things by halves . Designers work thoroughly , producing the world 's most wearable clothes in the most beautiful fabrics .

  10. 刺绣要求很高,一针也不能马虎。

    Embroidery calls for great care . There must not be even a single sloppy stitch .

  11. 我气他工作太马虎。

    I 'm angry with him for being careless in his work .

  12. 这是件大事,不能马虎过去。

    This is a serious matter , and should be handled with care .

  13. 你最后一行读得太马虎,我们听不清楚。

    You flung away that last line , we couldn 't hear you .

  14. 他工作态度相当马虎。

    His attitude to work is rather casual .

  15. 那最后一行你读得太马虎。

    You chucked away that last line .

  16. 他做事一向马虎,不把牢。

    He 's always careless and unreliable .

  17. 她总是指责她的丈夫做事马虎

    She 's always criticizing her husband for being sloppy .

  18. 队伍输掉比赛时,马虎会学着安慰队友。

    When his team lost a game , Ma would learn to comfort his teammates .

  19. 比如,马虎易怒且不服管教,经常跟人打架。

    Ma Hu , for example , was angry and disobedient , frequently fighting with others .

  20. 泄密n.洒出物马虎的女服务生把咖啡洒在我衬衫上时,我便发火了。

    I got mad when the careless waitress spilled coffee on my shirt .

  21. 如果马虎工作,不注意细节的话,确实SEO的工作没有什么含金量。

    If work cursorily , carelessly the word of detail , really the job of SEO contains Troy without what .

  22. 在上半场看起来马虎般的混乱之后,勇士队在第三节重返NBA历史上最具爆炸性的进攻之一。

    After looking sloppy and discombobulated in the first half , the Warriors morphed back into one of the most explosive offenses in NBA history during the third quarter .

  23. 这些失误促使CDC在7月任命了一个由外部安全专家组成的委员会,就如何纠正政府实验室马虎的程序为弗里登提供咨询意见。

    The mistakes led the C.D.C. to appoint a panel of outside safety experts in July to advise Dr. Frieden on how to correct sloppy procedures at government laboratories .

  24. 由于秘书们档案工作搞得马虎草率,他严厉地斥责了他们。

    He castigated the secretaries for their sloppy job of filing .

  25. 对于这个正规场合,她穿戴得太马虎了。

    She was too scruffily dressed for such a formal occasion .

  26. 斯宾塞马虎的表现会导致恶果

    You know , Spencer , sloppy work leads to consequences .

  27. 水火无情,可不能马虎大意。

    You can never be careless , as fires are merciless .

  28. 有了自检的能力,马虎的毛病才能克服。

    With the ability to self-test and slovenly problems to overcome .

  29. 我担心你工作也一样马虎。

    I was worriedyou might apply that same standardin your work .

  30. 对于他工作马虎和经常违反制度的事,我与他进行了交涉。

    I tackled him about his careless work and frequent absences .