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  • poverty-stricken;impoverished
穷苦 [qióng kǔ]
  • [poverty-stricken] 贫穷困苦

穷苦[qióng kǔ]
  1. 穷苦孩子的心灵成长史&论《幸运儿皮尔》

    Poverty-stricken Children s Heart Growth History & On Lucky Fellow Peer ;

  2. 罗伯特出身在一个穷苦的家庭。

    Robert was born in a poverty-stricken family .

  3. 她终身都是穷苦人的卫士。

    She was a champion of the poor all her life .

  4. 他俩都是穷苦出身。

    Both of them are from poor families .

  5. 当他们看到那个穷苦妇女的儿子在车祸中死去时,他们向在场的群众进行募捐。

    When they saw the poor woman 's son was killed in the accident , they passed the hat round the crowd of people .

  6. 西边的一家,家里很穷苦,但是青年却长得一表人才。

    The family on the west was very poor , but the young man was handsome and talented .

  7. 仁爱之家(HabitatforHumanity)则帮助穷苦的人们建盖属于他们自己的房子。

    Habitat for Humanity helps poor people build their own houses .

  8. v.对比她将现在的富裕生活和童年的穷苦日子做个对比。

    contrast She contrasted her present life of luxury with the poverty of her childhood .

  9. 我父亲只告诉我们说,Fide是来自一个非常穷苦的家庭。

    The only thing my mother told us about him was that his family was very poor .

  10. AliciaVega经营着一家历史题材电影工作室,她希望她制作的电影可以改变这些穷苦孩子的生活。

    Alicia Vega runs workshops about the history of movies , which she believes can transform the lives of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds .

  11. 他就和普林斯顿的Paul,Roberson的关系很好,爱因斯坦会拥抱他,不是因为他认同每一件事,是紧紧与工人阶级和穷苦人民的心联系在一起的。

    His relationship with Paul Roberson here at Princeton , Einstein would embrace him , not that he would agree with everything , was so tied to working people 's and poor people 's.

  12. 《乡下人的悲歌》J.D.万斯于2016年登顶《纽约时报》排行榜的畅销书《乡下人的悲歌》讲述了自己在俄亥俄州阿巴拉契亚山脉穷苦和忧患重重的成长经历,该书被一些评论家视为窥探美国劳动阶级白人灵魂的窗口。

    Hillbilly Elegy JD Vance 's fraught account of his poverty-stricken Appalachian upbringing in Ohio was a New York Times bestseller in 2016 , when it was viewed by some commentators as a window into the soul of US white working-class .

  13. 穷苦人民都可以认真接触军事游戏啊。

    Poor people 's access to military games can seriously ah .

  14. 他的穷苦;他有翅膀吗?

    Yes , certainly , his poverty ; had he wings ?

  15. 那些在我们小区周围捡垃圾的人都是些穷苦的人。

    Those who pick trash around us district are poverty people .

  16. 这个穷苦的农民肯定对这次欧洲旅游很好奇。

    The poor farmer must be curious about the European tour .

  17. 王子出现了,这使穷苦的小丫头不胜仰慕。

    The prince had appeared and subjugated the poor little handmaid .

  18. 它飞越这座城市的上空寻找穷苦的人家。

    It flies over the city and looks for poor people .

  19. 营养不良的穷苦人共同苦恼之一。

    Malnutrition is one of the common afflictions of the poor .

  20. 穷苦的小孩开始在街上嘻嘻哈哈地玩了。

    The poor children laugh and play in the street .

  21. 他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。

    He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences .

  22. 他的父亲却死在穷苦、绝望、怀疑之中。

    His father died poor , despairing , almost doubtful of providence ;

  23. 基姆是来自穷苦白人家庭的爱尔兰人。

    Kim is an Irish , coming from a poor white family .

  24. 他毕生为穷苦人的利益而努力不懈。

    He worked hard all his life in behalf of the poor .

  25. 他谈到他的印度同胞难以置信的穷苦境遇。

    He talked about the incredible misery of his people in india .

  26. 此后他致力于帮助穷苦人。

    Thereafter he devoted himself to looking after the poor .

  27. 我的税收会给那些监狱的人还有那些穷苦的人。

    My taxes go to pay for the prisons and the poorhouses .

  28. 吉诺是个穷苦的渔夫。他捞到一颗硕大的珍珠。

    Kino , a poor fisherman , found a very large pearl .

  29. 这笔钱将用于为穷苦村民搭盖新居。

    The money will go towards building new homes for poor villagers .

  30. 许多穷苦人聚集在门口。

    My hombres and me , we are poor people .