
qióng rén
  • the poor;poor people;needy;have-nots;destitute;pauper;The unwashed;the great unwashed
穷人 [qióng rén]
  • (1) [poor people;the poor]∶缺乏或相对地缺乏金钱和财富的人

  • (2) [needy]∶经济上不能自足的人,或必须接受某种公共救济或私人救济的人

穷人[qióng rén]
  1. 那个地区的穷人决不会接受被奴役的命运。

    The poor people in the area will never accept the fate of slavery .

  2. 高利贷者压榨穷人。

    The usurer squeezed the poor people .

  3. 这个机构为穷人提供免费医疗。

    The organization dispenses free health care to the poor .

  4. 有些地区的穷人感觉终身被套牢在他们的工作上。

    In some areas , the poor feel harnessed to their jobs .

  5. 他被列为穷人的敌人。

    He was marked as an enemy of the poor .

  6. 需要将财富从富人那里重新分给穷人。

    Wealth needs to be redistributed from the rich to the poor .

  7. 对穷人一概而论是危险的。

    It is dangerous to generalize about the poor .

  8. 他毕生致力于帮助穷人。

    He dedicated his life to helping the poor .

  9. 增税肯定会加重穷人的负担。

    The tax increases will certainly hit the poor .

  10. 我们需要设法缩小穷人和富人之间的健康差距。

    We need to try and narrow the health divide between rich and poor .

  11. 简而言之,穷人无饭吃,富人才有车开。

    To put it crudely , the poor are going without food so that the rich can drive cars .

  12. 洛杉矶穷人的境况仍未得到改善。

    Conditions for the poor in Los Angeles have not improved .

  13. 那会使穷人得不到他们所需要的医疗保健。

    It could inhibit the poor from getting the medical care they need

  14. 他那时明白了自己想帮助穷人。

    He knew then that he wanted to work among the poor .

  15. 虽然他出身贵族,却过着穷人的日子。

    Although he was of noble birth he lived as a poor man .

  16. 穷人的社会地位可能会进一步恶化。

    The position of the have-nots in our society could deteriorate even further .

  17. 穷人的问题大多不受重视。

    The problems of the poor are largely invisible .

  18. 他是穷人的牧师。

    His ministry is among the poor .

  19. 过高的房价已经造成了穷人能够买得起的住房严重短缺。

    Exorbitant housing prices have created an acute shortage of affordable housing for the poor .

  20. 富人比穷人对慈善事业的捐助更多些;这种观点是一种谬见。

    It 's a fallacy that the affluent give relatively more to charity than the less prosperous

  21. 这个教堂接收到一笔遗产,可以用来聘请医生为穷人治病。

    The church here was left a bequest to hire doctors who would work amongst the poor .

  22. 该策略的第二部分是为穷人提供基本的社会服务。

    The second prong of the strategy is the provision of basic social services for the poor .

  23. 穷人的问题人们大多看不见——正所谓“眼不见,心不烦”。

    The problems of the poor are largely invisible — out of sight , out of mind .

  24. 他满腔热情地捍卫穷人的利益。

    He passionately championed the poor

  25. 穷人们利用这个法令,尽量不花费巨额开销就把女儿嫁出去。

    The poor are taking advantage of this edict to marry off their daughters without enormous expenditure while they can

  26. 44年来,他一直致力于帮助那些穷人、病人、无人照料的人和失去生活依靠的人。

    For 44 years he had ministered to the poor , the sick , the neglected and the deprived .

  27. 爱丁堡与美国城市相反:富人住在中心,穷人住在周边。

    Edinburgh is an American city turned inside out : the rich in the middle , the poor around the outside

  28. 虽然富人和穷人之间一直差距悬殊,但这种不公在经济萧条期愈加显得令人难以接受。

    The stark contrast between the haves and have-nots has always existed but in a recession the injustices become more painful

  29. 高尔基非常同情穷人和受压迫者。

    Gorky had great sympathy for the poor and the down-trodden .

  30. 该组织许诺要改善穷人的处境。

    The organization has promised to improve the lot of the poor .