
  • 网络The Poor
  1. 穷人们被迫在山峦更高处的更为贫瘠的土地上耕作。

    The poor are forced to farm in more marginal lands higher up the mountains .

  2. 穷人们就是这样在大萧条的岁月里相依为命的。

    So the poor kept each other alive in the depression years .

  3. 我不知道穷人们是怎样熬过那些寒冬的。

    I don 't know how poor people got through those cold winters .

  4. 地主叫喊道:“救命,救命!”穷人们都很高兴,没有一个人愿意帮助他。

    The landlord cried , " Help ! Help ! " The poor men were all happy , no one wanted to help him .

  5. 我认为Karabekian(书中的一个简约派画家)一定是和某些富翁一起,用他那些毫无意义的画,阴谋想让穷人们觉得自己太愚蠢。

    I thought Karabekian with his meaningless pictures had entered into a conspiracy with millionaires to make poor people feel stupid .

  6. 他硬起心肠对穷人们的苦痛不表同情。

    He steeled his heart against the sufferings of the poor .

  7. 罗宾汉憎恨富人(们),热爱穷人们。

    Robin Hood hated the rich and loved the poor .

  8. 当主食价格飙升,穷人们首当其冲。

    When prices of staples soar , the poor bear the brunt .

  9. 穷人们当然乐意看到部落首领遭到报应。

    Poor people were happy to see the khans getting their comeuppance .

  10. 他关心着穷人们的利益。

    He has the welfare of the poor at heart .

  11. 并让君王从此不再厌恶穷人们的面包。

    From him who never tires of taking bread from the poor .

  12. 穷人们有时候住在这里,但是现在他们走了。

    Poor people sometimes live in it but then they go away .

  13. 穷人们很清楚自己在选举中不过是炮灰而已。

    The poor well understand they are election fodder .

  14. 他将钱赠予穷人们。

    He gave gifts of money to the poor .

  15. 如果你让穷人们太舒服了。

    If you make being poor too comfortable .

  16. 我必须离开修道院去和穷人们住在一起去帮助他们。

    I must leave the convent to help the poor by living among them .

  17. 穷人们做错了什么?

    What did the poor do wrong ?

  18. 小户人家,穷人们,倒霉蛋嘛!

    The little people , the poor , the unhappy , well , what of them ?

  19. 穷人们应该被帮助。

    The poor should be helped .

  20. 在春节期间,穷人们受到了政府的公共救济。

    EG : During the Spring Festival , the poor received public assistance from the government .

  21. 可不管穷人们怎么想。

    To get them niggers off .

  22. 我说:是的,他今天可以再去,穷人们还在那儿。

    Yes , I said , he can go again today ; the poor are still there .

  23. 穷人们聚集在门口分享他们的施舍,并且祝福新婚夫妇。

    The poor , who had trooped to the door , and who shared their purses , blessed them .

  24. 完不完的,并不在乎有人给穷人们一碗面吃没有。

    Whether it 's done for or not doesn 't depend on giving bowls of noodles to the poor .

  25. (威尔·艾伦发现)穷人们常常去吃那些可能引发心脏病或糖尿病的不健康食品。

    People without much money often eat unhealthy diets that can lead to problems like heart disease and diabetes .

  26. 桑巴是巴西一种独特的音乐和舞蹈形式,是由非洲裔的巴西穷人们创造出来的。

    The samba is a unique Brazilian music and a dance form that was begun by the poor Afro-Brazilians .

  27. 我只不过向需要帮助的穷人们表示了一点爱心。

    I 'm just trying to express my affection for the poor who are in need of our help .

  28. 大量的俄罗斯富豪经常关顾这些地方甚至比穷人们做廉价劳工的次数还要多。

    There are plenty of rich Russians to patronise them and more than enough poor ones to make labour cheap .

  29. 把快乐的微笑给孩子们,给穷人们,给所有受苦的和孤独的人。

    To children , to the poor , to all who suffer and are lonely , give always a happy smile .

  30. 穷人们通常会从游商小贩那里买到此类药物,既是是这样也不能支付完成整个疗程。

    Poor people often buy them from uncontrolled street vendors and even then cannot afford to complete a full course of treatment .